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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 69012

Procurement News Notice

PNN 69012
Work Detail The tender for garbage had to be repeated and there was only one applicant company The opening of envelopes for a new tender was carried out to define the concession contract for the waste collection service. Although it had already been done at the beginning of May, it was unsuccessful and had to be redone. General Rodríguez is going through a historic crisis in waste collection. The more than seven years of extensions to a contract with the Terminal Multipropósito company that had become obsolete despite the updates, deteriorated the service to the point that complaints about the accumulation of garbage in different neighborhoods of the city have been growing for months. The firm, which also provides the service in Luján, has several trucks out of circulation and a shortage of resources to operate. And although the Municipality decided to carry out the long-delayed bidding for a new garbage contract, it did not respond to what contingency plan there would be to resolve the garbage situation while this administrative process was being developed. There are also doubts about whether this is really going to structurally change (for the better) the conditions of the service as the residents of Rodrigues need, given that the new contract stipulates a budget of $1,440 million annually (similar to the $1,000 million that was currently available since the Municipality). The truth is that on May 7, the tender began with two applicant companies: the well-known Multipurpose Terminal and another called Grupo Santa Elena, with an important history in waste collection and with a worrying history in 2019. The tender was unsuccessful and had to be done again. In the first instance, the Secretary of Public Works had explained that the bidding companies presented their pertinent documentation to be evaluated by a commission formed for this purpose. However, the procedure fell apart due to errors and missing parts in the presentation of the paperwork. Thus, the Municipality decided to make a new call for bids this Friday, May 31 in the morning and the Santa Elena firm did not gather the relevant documentation, so Terminal Multipropósito was left as the only company that will seek to continue with the service in General. Rodríguez, despite the criticism he has garnered in recent years. The situation fuels suspicions in certain sectors regarding some type of arrangement, as mentioned by the libertarian councilor, Matias Ledesma, in a recent interview. Or even some voices that mentioned alleged complicity between the two companies in simulating a competition to disguise arrangements, given that Terminal Multipropósito was also competing in the tender for garbage in Villa Gesell, where the service is in charge of Grupo Santa Elena. Now, if the documentation presented by Multipropósito is in order, you must make your financial offer and the Municipality will have five business days to decide whether to accept it or not. The contract is for ten years with the possibility of extension for another five.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 10 Jun 2024

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