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Provincial Roads made official the company that will be in charge of the work. It is a project financed by the IDB. It has a two-year execution period and will begin simultaneously with the second stage.13 The provincial government today made official the awarding of the last section of the new Pan-American Route 82. This is the third stage, which includes 22.2 kilometers from the Governor Ortiz Roundabout (Vistalba) to the district of Cacheuta, in the department of Luján de Cuyo. It is a project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which allocates a direct disbursement of 80 million dollars for this stage and the second one that is underway. Through Resolution No. 305, dated May 2 but published in the Official Gazette this Thursday, the Provincial Road Directorate decided to award the company Paolini Hnos SA the development of this mega-work that aims to improve access to the foothills and further enhance tourism in that area. Five offers were presented for the tender for the work: the companies Ceosa, the UT Dafre Construcciones Civiles SA – Valmani SA, Marcalba SA, Chediak Saicac and Paolini Hnos SA Finally, the Bid Evaluation Commission advised the award of the work to Paolini Hnos, for a total amount of $11,310,079,035.69 at basic prices for the month of May 2023 and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) did not present any objection to the proposal, reported Viality. Paolini Hnos is the same company that was awarded for Stage 2, between the Chacras de Coria snails and the Gobernador Ortiz roundabout, a work that is currently 73% complete. Given this, the Minister of Government, Infrastructure and Territorial Development, Natalio Mema said that “it is a great achievement for Mendoza, which continues to move forward betting on public works, with which we will have more tourism, more urban and real estate development, better connectivity. road and guaranteed growth in the future.” While the general administrator of the Provincial Directorate of Roads, Osvaldo Romagnoli stated: “With this award we are going to complete a work that is much more than the renewal of a route, it is the comprehensive refunctionalization of a circuit system that gives a rapid connectivity to Greater Mendoza and links it without delays with the high mountains.” For his part, the mayor of Luján, Esteban Allasino, expressed on social networks that “it is a very important day” for the people of Luján and thanked the government of Alfredo Cornejo: “Thank you @MendozaGobierno for continuing and advancing with this work that improves quality of life of the people of Lujan, Mendoza and tourists who pass through Luján de Cuyo. You will always find me accompanying and celebrating initiatives that are important for the families of Luján.” START PARALLEL TO THE CLOSING OF STAGE II In contact with Los Andes, Romagnoli stated that the work will have an execution period of two years but did not confirm the start date, because he understands that there are still bureaucratic steps to get it underway. However, he expressed the intention to start it “as quickly as possible” and said that it is contemplated that it can be executed simultaneously with the completion of Stage 2, aimed at being completed before the end of the year. “The award process, having a BID document and international regulations, has a lot of documentation to complete. The benefit is that part of that documentation is similar to the previous stage and the same company is the winning bidder, but the date cannot be assured,” he said cautiously. Then, he commented that Stage 2 has “a progressive delivery schedule and although a date cannot be set today, it can be said that there will be continuity and simultaneity between a delivery of the second stage and the beginning of the third.” “Today the second stage is almost 73%. The asphalt is not yet there because the idea we always intended is a minor impact. “We want to give it the greatest length of asphalt,” he added. And he confirmed that the company Paolini Hnos is fine-tuning details to set up a production plant for asphalt material in Luján de Cuyo, in order to accelerate this process. It has already obtained the Environmental Impact Declaration, but its location remains to be confirmed. This will mean “having the material on site and avoiding bringing it from somewhere else,” the official said. THE DETAILS OF THE WORK From Vialidad reported that the 3rd Stage of the New Panamericana, foresees the reconstruction of a 22.2 kilometer road from Vistalba to Cacheuta. It will be, as it currently is, a single lane with two-way traffic. It will be seven meters wide, round trip circulation, and shoulder. Half of the section will be built with hot asphalt concrete. Only maintenance will be carried out on the middle section and the last section, between Cacheuta and Los Caracoles, will have asphalt microagglomerate applied. This work will be carried out quickly in sections, using half the road, to avoid total obstruction, they said from Roads. In addition, the project foresees the construction of a new bridge at the entrance to Cacheuta. “A new bridge is built, which runs parallel to the arch bridge. That will continue to be used, but not with an independent traffic load, but for another function within the route,” Romagnoli commented. In addition, a roundabout will be built at Roque Sáenz Peña and RP 82, more than half a dozen returns that will be illuminated, collector streets, a cycle path, more than 40 bus stops and a new police post in Las Compuertas. THE TOURIST PLAN THAT SURROUNDS IT The project plans to enhance the small town of Cacheuta, which will be developed on the sides of the old railway tracks with new urban furniture, a playground and a new beach. parking lot. In addition to these works, the widening of bridges and culverts and the relocation of electricity, water and irrigation aqueduct networks will be added. “This section has a specialty, it is the first time that in the Province there is a consulting firm, which does not do physical work to modify the work but does intellectual work to give it a complete tourist profile,” considered the head of Provincial Roads. The company Alfa Crux Desarrollo Sustentable was awarded last December by the Province to prepare the Master Plan for Territorial and Tourism Development and is currently diagramming the main axes that will accompany the road works. It will then be the responsibility of the executing company to make these proposals. “They take the different ventures or visions that they try to impact, with a reading similar to all of them, to give a unique identity to this route. Not only as a transit route, but also as a tourism route,” added the head of Roads. And he gave as an example, modifying the geometry of the stops for vehicle parking or the signage that will accompany the path. Source: |