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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 66941

Procurement News Notice

PNN 66941
Work Detail The Call for Bids was made for the work of the Maipú Basin Mayor of Public Works. In the Municipal Executive Department, the Call for Bids was made to continue with the construction of the storm drain work for the Maipú basin. This is why, by decision of Mayor Gustavo Bastian, the necessary municipal funds will be allocated to advance the definitive solution to the drains on Maipú Street. The opening of the proposals sent to the aforementioned call for bids will take place on May 17 and once the company assigned to the development of the work has been awarded, it is expected that the tasks for the completion of the piping up to Calle 3 de Febrero will be carried out within a period of two and a half months, as long as the weather conditions allow the work to proceed properly. “We made the determination to continue this very important work, which unfortunately was interrupted, affecting many residents of this sector of the city. With municipal contributions, thanks to the good administration of the resources generated, we can respond and take charge of the continuity of the storm drain work in the Maipú basin,” said Mayor Bastian in front of a group of residents of the area who came to to dialogue with the Municipal President and community official. “Once these works are completed, the urbanization and improvement tasks will continue in the other neighborhoods of the town,” Bastian concluded. Source:
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 17 May 2024

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