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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 66933

Procurement News Notice

PNN 66933
Work Detail The Buenos Aires Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services, through the Undersecretariat of Water Resources, carried out the tender for the work “Expansion of the Drinking Water Service – West Zone Water Networks” for the district of Mercedes. It has an official budget of $144,537,301.00 and received 2 offers. The work consists of the execution of the water network and main pipe to supply the CIMES neighborhood, added to an additional well in a green space located on Calle 10 and 85 bis. These works will be carried out through the installation of 3,780 meters of pipes, 164 short and long household connections, 13 lock valves, four hydrants, two intakes for motor pumps, a pumping well, seven connections to existing pipes and a crossing with a jacket pipe. provincial route n° 42 (10th street). By the end of the design period of these water networks, a population of 600 inhabitants is estimated. It should be noted that the project contemplates the future incorporation of new areas of urban expansion, which implies an increase of 2,100 inhabitants. The Undersecretary of Water Resources, Guillermo Jelinski, indicated in this regard: A very important work for the CIMES neighborhood of Mercedes with the installation of more than 4 kilometers of pipes and a new drilling of 4000 liters per hour. The following were part of the bidding event: The Executive Director of COMILU, Germán Ciucci, and the Provincial Director of Water and Sewage (DIPAC), Sergio Benet. AWARD | EXPANSION OF THE DRINKING WATER SERVICE – WATER NETWORKS WEST ZONE TOWN OF MERCEDES – MERCEDES PARTY Client: MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES Place: Province of Buenos Aires Opening date: 08/07/2023 1:00 p.m. Official budget: $ 144,537,301
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Water & Sanitation
Entry Date 17 May 2024

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