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The Fallbrook Public Utility District adopted its 2016-17 budget and FPUD’s new rates. One 5-0 FPUD board vote July 14 approved the final budget for the current fiscal year while a separate 5-0 vote amended FPUD’s Administrative Code to reflect the new rates. The water rates are on a calendar year basis and will take effect Jan. 1 while the fixed charges are on a fiscal year basis and took effect July 1. “They’re based upon a rigorous development of the budget and vetting by the board’s Fiscal Committee,” said FPUD general manager Brian Brady. The budget including the rates had been scheduled to be adopted at FPUD’s June 27 board meeting, but the board deferred the adoption to a special meeting so that more information could be provided. “The reason it was held over was just to answer several additional questions that came up at the June regular meeting,” Brady said. The San Diego County Water Authority approved its 2017 rates on June 23. “The largest increases as usual are the pass-throughs from the County Water Authority,” Brady said. FPUD’s municipal and industrial rates per 1,000 gallons were increased from $4.66 to $5.25 for Tier 1, from $5.13 to $5.74 for Tier 2, and from $5.65 to $6.32 for Tier 3. The Special Agricultural Water Rate will be increased from $3.28 to $3.65 per 1,000-gallon unit and the commercial agricultural rate increase was from $4.76 to $4.97 per unit. The unit cost of recycled water will rise from $3.96 to $4.43. The cost of potable water used for construction was raised from $6.02 to $6.41 per 1,000 gallons. The monthly service charge was increased from $39.24 to $41.59 for 3/4-inch meters, from $51.06 to $54.12 for one-inch meters, from $72.86 to $77.23 for 1 1/2-inch meters, from $106.63 to $113.03 for two-inch meters, from $173.95 to $184.39 for three-inch meters, from $276.58 to $293.17 for four-inch meters, from $494.29 to $523.95 for six-inch meters, and from $159.95 to $169.55 for all construction meters. The standby service charge for meters of all sizes was increased from $23.38 to $24.78. The water availability/standby charge is used for debt service and capital improvements. The water capital improvement charge was increased from $9.06 to $9.45 per equivalent dwelling unit. FPUD has a pumping charge in the DeLuz High Pressure Service Area zone and Toyon Heights zone which covers electrical costs and capital improvements. That charge will remain at $0.43 per 1,000 gallons. The monthly sewer fixed charge for all domestic meters as well as any 3/4-inch meters for non-domestic use was increased from $14.23 to $16.12. The commodity rate per 1,000 gallons of sewage for domestic and low-strength commercial properties was increased from $8.21 to $8.77 per 1,000 gallons. FPUD’s $34,530,961 budget for 2016-17 plans $26,458,796 of operating expenses, $5,966,925 of capital expenditures, and $2,105,240 for debt service repayment. The 68 staff positions funded in the 2016-17 budget constitute an increase of one employee from the 2015-16 budget. The capital budget includes the Beaver Creek, Silver Springs Drive, and Brooke Street and Stage Coach Lane water pipeline replacement projects and replacement of the sewer piping on Brandon Road and Alvarado Street. Other capital projects include the purchase of a new loader and Class A fifth-wheel truck for the district’s vehicle fleet, coating of the 1 Million Gallon reservoir in DeLuz, a standby generator at the Donnil Pump Station, paving of the FPUD yard, the phased replacement of automatic meter reading equipment with advanced metering infrastructure, and security upgrades at district facilities. |