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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 63002

Procurement News Notice

PNN 63002
Work Detail In Saladillo we cannot wait any longer for the Nation, from the Province we will restart the work paralyzed by the previous government. The provincial Minister of Public Works promised to resume the work of reinforcing the bridge and controlling erosion, although it is a work that corresponds to the national government. The Minister of Public Works of the Province, Lisandro Enrico, assured that in the stabilization work of the Arroyo Saladillo waterfall in Rosario, which is currently neutralized, “we cannot wait any longer for the Nation; From the Province we are going to resume the work paralyzed by the previous government, because it is a key step and today it is at risk.” Currently, the work has a large delay in the payments of certificates and redeterminations, by the National State, since June 2023. In recent efforts, Enrico sent a note sent to the Secretary of Public Works of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation, Luis Giovine, with the signature of the Secretary of Water Resources of the Ministry of Public Works of the province, Nicolás Mijich. While investments are approved for other purposes in different jurisdictions, the Nation does not provide answers for the needs of the people of Santa Fe, such as, for example, this water work of vital importance for the safety and well-being of the population of the area, and its delay It can put it at risk, said the Minister of Public Works, Lisandro Enrico. “We all share the desire that Argentines can get ahead of this difficult economic situation, in which each worker is working hard to cover their monthly expenses. We totally agree on austere government models that cut unnecessary public spending; In fact, in our province we take great care of the weight of the people of Santa Fe. But from that criterion of governance to directly having a closed national government that does not want to be responsible for attending to the maintenance tasks and emergency works that correspond to them by law, there are enormous differences. We do not agree and this position of the Nation puts us off,” added Enrico. “We always showed ourselves willing to collaborate, in every meeting we had with National officials, and we have even helped by investing in construction materials so that work can begin to be carried out. That is why we express the need for the Nation to begin allocating the necessary funds for works that correspond to Santa Fe,” the provincial minister completed. waterfall situation The Arroyo Saladillo waterfall receded 550 meters in the last 20 years, the largest displacement took place in the month of March 2017, at which time an abrupt advance of almost 300 meters was recorded, leaving it located 190 m downstream from the Molino Bridge. White. The protection work of the Arroyo Saladillo waterfall has two stages: the first consists of the stabilization of banks in the section between the Molino Blanco Bridge and the waterfall, awarded by Decree No. 0506 dated 04/01/2022 to the company Mundo Construcciones SA and Supercemento SAIC. The second stage includes the construction of a defense screen against retrograde erosion of the Arroyo Saladillo waterfall, awarded by Decree No. 0977 dated 06/10/2022 to the companies Mundo Construcciones SA, Supercemento SAIC and Basaa SA. The first It has a cumulative advance as of November 2023 of 36.07% and the second has a cumulative advance as of November 2023 of 2.22%. In the notes sent to the national government, it is specified that “the last movement of the waterfall located it a short distance of 190 meters from the Molino Blanco bridge, one of the main connections between the towns of Rosario and Villa Gobernador Gálvez. The Molino Blanco bridge is a key route for the transportation of people and goods, which facilitates access to industrial and commercial areas, which has always promoted the economic development of both cities and the region. The collapse of the bridge would cause road congestion and transportation difficulties, negatively and significantly affecting companies and businesses, causing economic and job losses. Therefore, the completion of the bridge reinforcement and erosion control works is fundamental and urgent, both for the protection of the bridge and for the protection of the banks. It should be noted that this is a national work since it is the defense of the Molino Blanco bridge, which connects Rosario with Villa Gobernador Gálvez, and a few meters away there is infrastructure under national jurisdiction, such as the Avenida Circunvalación de Rosario bridge and the Rosario-Buenos Aires railway connection.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 28 Mar 2024

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