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Peru Procurement News Notice - 62401

Procurement News Notice

PNN 62401
Work Detail The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) presents a regulatory proposal that aims to promote and regulate the environmental management of the generation activities of photovoltaic and wind installations. The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru (MINEM) has published Ministerial Resolution No. 091-2024-MINEM/DM proposing a regulation that approves the so-called Terms of Reference of environmental studies for electrical projects with common characteristics or similar, referring to “photovoltaic plants without or with an associated transmission line less than or equal to 20 km and Terms of Reference for the preparation of the semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-sd) of wind plants with installed power greater than or equal to 32 MW with or without transmission line”, as required. In a ministerial statement, it is stated that the objective of this proposed regulation is to “promote and regulate the environmental management of the activities of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, with the purpose of preventing, minimizing, rehabilitating and/or compensating for the negative environmental impacts that could occur, in a framework of sustainable development.” On the other hand, the project is intended to contribute to granting conditions that guarantee predictability to the owners of electrical activities in the framework of the preparation of environmental studies, reduce the costs and times required to obtain environmental certification of generation projects. with renewable energies and promote the development and use of clean energy.” Until next Tuesday, March 26, a period is open for interested parties to make their comments and/or contributions to the regulatory project. One of the channels offered, in addition to face-to-face, is to contact the email .
Country Peru , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 21 Mar 2024

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