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China Procurement News Notice - 62182

Procurement News Notice

PNN 62182
Work Detail Chinese manufacturer DAH Solar claims its new double-glass panels have a power conversion efficiency of 22.65% and a power output of up to 585W. Chinese solar module manufacturer DAH Solar has developed new TOPCon solar modules with a frameless front to improve drainage and allow rain to wash away dust. DHN-72X16/DG/FS panels come in four versions, ranging from 570W to 585W rated power, with a power conversion efficiency of 22.07% to 22.65%. They have an open circuit voltage of 51.0 V to 51.6 V and a short circuit current of 14.02 A to 14.20 A. The double glass panels measure 2,278 mm x 1,134 x 32 mm and weigh 32 kg. They have 2.0 mm thermo-strengthened glass, with anti-reflective coating. The modules have IP68 junction boxes and anodized aluminum alloy frames. They can operate with a system voltage of 1,500 V and at temperatures between -40 ºC and 85 ºC. The temperature coefficient is -0.30% per degree Celsius. Photovoltaic panels have a 15-year product warranty and a 30-year power warranty. Degradation in the first year is supposedly 1% and the final power at 30 years is guaranteed at no less than 87.4% of the nominal power output. “With the unique frameless design of the front of the PV modules, the new module can be installed both vertically and horizontally,” a company spokesperson told pv magazine . “It is also capable of preventing the accumulation of snow or sand, which can guarantee an annual increase in energy generation of between 6% and 15%.” DAH Solar is headquartered in Hefei, Chinas Anhui province. It currently manages a 5 GW solar panel factory.
Country China , Eastern Asia
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 19 Mar 2024

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