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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 61933

Procurement News Notice

PNN 61933
Work Detail Community leaders and deputies held a meeting to discuss the details of the works project that will benefit several districts of the suburbs. facebook sharing button Sharetwitter sharing button Tweetearmail sharing button Emailsharethis sharing button Sharelinkedin sharing button Sharewhatsapp sharing button Share The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services, through the Undersecretariat of Water Resources, put out to tender in 2022 the work “Storm Drains in the Basin San Francisco-Las Piedras” in which a total of 6 offers were presented whose official budget is $438,008,880.00. The work consists of the reconstruction and readjustment of the existing canal that makes up the Arroyo San Francisco, in a section of 638 meters between Zapiola and Montevideo Avenues. These tasks are part of a set of works whose objective is to rebuild the drainage system and restore the existing hydraulic sections. The project in total will benefit 900,000 inhabitants who currently suffer from the risk of flooding. “The mayors of Florencio Varela, Quilmes and Almirante Brown continue with the unwavering commitment to bring more works to our municipalities to improve the quality of life of the residents along the Las Piedras stream,” said the mayor of Varela, Andrés Watson. The communal chief of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Alejandro Dichiara, and deputy Rubén Eslaiman, among other legislators, also participated. Source:
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 16 Mar 2024

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