Work Detail |
Despite the expectation for the new management scheme proposed by the government, hardly any proposals were registered in the Museum Beach tender. For the other five there were no presentations. The Municipal Tourism and Culture Entity (EmturyC) only received two offers for the concession of the Museum Beach, while no proposals were registered for the other five equipped public beaches in the north, in a series of tenders that were carried out between the Tuesday and Wednesday. The equipped public beaches are a new management model designed by the government of Guillermo Montenegro, which was supported last year by the Deliberative Council with the creation of five new Fiscal Tourist Units (UTF) and the corresponding call for public bidding, where a sixth UTF was added. The proposal leaves behind the classic scheme of a comprehensive spa characterized by large extensions of fixed tents, now contemplating a sector of concession of public and free access, where the private one will have a gastronomic module under its management, offering the rental service of mobile umbrellas . Thus, both customers and bathers who wish to occupy the area will coexist in the concession area, regardless of whether or not they consume the services offered there. Based on the results of the tenders, it seems that the business model has not quite taken off in the companies that currently have other spa concessions or new entrepreneurs, since only offers were registered for the Museum Beach, located in front of the MAR Museum, the closer to the downtown area; to which is also added the complex economic context that the country is going through. Concessionaires will be able to offer umbrella rentals and will not have the classic fixed tents. Concessionaires will be able to offer umbrella rentals and will not have the classic fixed tents. The offers correspond to Agencia Latoca SA, with an annual fee of $10,000,000 and an investment in works of $518 million, while the second is from Gustavo Javier Di Nezza, with a higher fee of $12.9 million, but with a smaller investment of $236 million. The tenders for Playa Constitución, Playa Estrada, Playa Beltrán Sur, Playa Beltran Norte and Las Delicias resulted in no offers. In all of them, EmturyC will call for a second call for public bidding, while it will advance with the detailed study of the two it received for the Museum Beach. |