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United States Procurement News Notice - 60827

Procurement News Notice

PNN 60827
Work Detail Slated to start on March 4, crews of roadway contractors under the guidance of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) are scheduled to kick off the construction on the improvement of Croaker Road (Route 607) between Richmond Road (Route 60) and Point O Woods Road (Route 1647)/Maxton Lane (Route The Croaker Road Widening Project is envisioned to release vehicular capacity and allow for transition into the future growth plan as the existing structurally deficient two-lane roadway is widened to four lanes, including wider outside lanes that will provide proper accommodation to bicycle paths as well as construction of a new bridge to replace the existing bridge on CSX railroad tracks. The project will further include the provision of a pathway for shared use as well as crosswalks, these facilities will be put in place in order to cater for the connectivity between pedestrians bikeways and metropolitan areas that are experiencing rapid growth, and this is due to the presence of new housing units, a public library, educational institutions and commercial centers. Croaker Road expansion Scope Project improvements include the following: • Two-lane Croaker Road will be widened to four-lane road, which will be accomplished by adding two additional lanes to the west of the current street from Richmond Road to Point O Wood Road/Maxton Lane, and installing an elevated barrier to divide the strips of road into opposite directions of traffic flow. • Improvement of the turn lanes including the addition of the new pedestrian crosswalks at the intersection of Croaker Road and Norge Village Apartments. • To catch the attention of the southbound traffic to the Norge Center which is to be constructed from another lane. • A specifically purposed thru-lane for southbound traffic at the junction of Croaker Road & Richmond Road is also something that needs to be considered. • Declaring a specific right-turn lane for southbound cars only at the intersection of Croaker Road and Rose Ln (RC 760). • Shared road path on the west side of Croaker Road, fro London Road to just south of Rose Lane to be constructed. The pedestrian parking lot and bike route to the Newport News County Public library on the west side of the street will be provided with a High-Intensity Activated (HAWK) signal to access the facility conveniently. • Suggestion: Southbound pedestrian bridge over the CSX rail cars. The bridge that will be constructed will have an additional two travel lanes and a shared path separated from the roads by a concrete wall and steel railing consisting of fencing. The route will experience intermittent single-lane closures on Williams Drive as construction is underway. The management of clean air regulations will ensure that all markets, private premises and public roads will remain open at all times. Completion date A low bid of $19.2 million was given to E.J. Wade Construction, January 2024. Construction to be completed within fall 2027 having been estimated early. Each job status is a different weather- and schedule- intensive job so the schedule remains unpredictable and susceptible to variation.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 04 Mar 2024

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