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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 60038

Procurement News Notice

PNN 60038
Work Detail Public works: the Municipality called for bids to pave two blocks of Avda. 9 de Julio Announcement In the Municipal Palace, the head of Government and Planning Emanuel Boero gave details about the upcoming paving of blocks of Avda. 9 de Julio. «From the management headed by Mariano Busso, we are very happy because we are finally going to be able to start the year with works. This time there is the possibility of resuming the Urban Road Strengthening program, with which considerable works have been carried out in the town through this contribution that comes from the Provincial Directorate of Roads, and in this case it has the particularity that it is a work that has been going on since the middle of last year and was presented when we entered management. We immediately went to the Provincial Directorate, to speak with the administrator, and what we managed to do was unblock a situation that occurred here and that was that the funds were available, but we had to start taking steps to see how it would be possible. carry forward, he explained, highlighting that the agreement that had been signed to carry out almost 5 blocks of pavement on 9 de Julio was 67 million pesos, and obviously, for logical (economic) reasons, that work was not going to be possible. carry out, which would have required that we as a municipality have to return the money, since Roads actually certifies complete works. In that sense, Boero highlighted that an addendum was agreed upon with Roads, where they enabled us to do works for money and not for quantity, so we will not be able to do all 5 but yes, due to the efforts carried out, we are going to do almost 2 blocks (9 de Julio between Balbiano and Neuquén), which are 225 linear meters, with a width of 7 meters of road, which requires significant work of approximately one month. 54 million pesos is what Vialidad contributes, he added, it has already made a contribution of 48 million and upon the end of the work it will contribute almost 6, 7 million more and the rest, which is 13 million pesos, will be The municipality will contribute from its own coffers with labor, with machinery, with soil movement, with shoulder underpinnings. The closing of the tender, which opened this week, is on Wednesday the 28th of this month and that same day the award is made, so it takes a few days of administrative process and we hope to put it first and carry it forward in the first days of March. Let us remember that it is a work that also requires coordination with Cooperativa Eléctrica, because we have to make a movement of what are the central luminaires, which are going to be on the sides, on the margins of the shoulders. Regarding the remaining blocks, he added that what this Urban Road Strengthening program allows is that as one executes and renders the work, it is subject to resubmitting again and the idea is to present a new stage, because we understand that it is A transcendental work for what is the closure of the Circunvalación on the western area and also makes for the revaluation of an area that, I remember having been with Mariano in the Council and we accompanied him at the time and approved the project. In that sense, he understood that this type of work must continue, which was originally between the two dispensaries. If we go south, from Balbiano towards the other dispensary, with what was the work of Caminos de la Ruralidad, a whole gravel was made that is in very good conditions, which is why there was a decision to take from Balbiano to start doing a closure, and the final objective would be to reach what would be the crossing of the roads to the North, which will take us one or two more stages depending on what the Province approves. Boero maintained that before announcing a work, we want to be very clear and transparent, not rush to communicate something that we are not sure of being able to carry out... In this case, particularly once we made the decision, we were able to discuss it with Vialidad , and when everything was in order, if we communicated it and not another type of practice that was carried out while a work was communicated, a work that was announced with great fanfare already in July of last year and in reality never They had reached the funds, they had never been unlocked, so what we want is to have certainty regarding what we are going to be able to execute, especially in an economic condition of instability and continuous inflation. Regarding other works, such as the Procrear neighborhood, he finally announced that we have held meetings but there are still no answers on that side. On the housing side for metalworkers, a certification has been carried out. We understand that there is some type of guideline from the Nation that works with significant progress status, above 80, 85%, there are concrete possibilities of resources being reduced, even from the Province and in this we also want to be measured. They have not given us a response, but we hope that if the money does not come from the Nation, the Province can also take charge, because we understand that these are important works for our city.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 27 Feb 2024

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