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Peru Procurement News Notice - 59999

Procurement News Notice

PNN 59999
Work Detail The system, which will be used to cover the operations of Compañía Minera Caravelí, in Arequipa, will generate electricity from photovoltaic solar panels and natural gas generating sets. Ferrenergy, a company of the Ferreycorp corporation, specialized in the provision of energy, has announced the implementation of what is presented as “the first hybrid electricity generation system in Peruvian mining”, based on the construction of a photovoltaic system that will have “ an installed power greater than 6 MWp” and gas generating sets with an installed power greater than 4.7 MW. The electricity generated - it is stated in a statement - will be used to cover the energy deficit of the operations of Compañía Minera Caravelí, in Arequipa. Regarding the solar plant, it is added that it will be an installation composed of “around 10,000 photovoltaic panels.” Of the gas generating sets, supplied by the Ferreyros company, it is reported that they will be supplied with LNG, with the participation of a specialized company that will transport it to operation through virtual gas pipelines (tanks that transport liquefied natural gas) for subsequent regasification . It is stated that the project “will positively impact the stability and savings in energy costs, operational coverage, emissions reduction, environmental risk mitigation and technological innovation of the mining companys energy system.” Ferrenergy presents itself as a company that provides electricity generation “based on natural gas, diesel and HFO (crude oil) generating equipment, as well as renewable solutions with photovoltaic and wind plants.” In addition, it is highlighted that “it has the Anti-Bribery Certification granted by the Entrepreneurs for Integrity association.”
Country Peru , South America
Industry Mining
Entry Date 27 Feb 2024

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