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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 59860

Procurement News Notice

PNN 59860
Work Detail Rural roads were cut in Santa Flora, San Ambrosio and La Gilda. The regional road consortium no longer has funds. Road closure due to flooding in Gilda and Santa Flora, on the outskirts of Río Cuarto. With helplessness and disappointment, producers in the south of Río Cuarto see the problem of rural roads worsening, especially in the Santa Flora area (parallel to Route 8) and in the 25 kilometer stretches that connect Río Cuarto with San Ambrosio, passing through La Gilda. Added to the problems of water erosion due to mismanagement of the basin, in recent months, are the drains from the unfinished work of the highway between Río Cuarto and Santa Catalina Holmberg. The work on Route 8, announced and expected for more than 50 years in the southern province, was interrupted shortly before the change of government at the national level. It is run by the company Luciano SA and had an initial budget of more than 8.6 billion. Fourth quarter. Gonzalo Gambero, who is accused of serious injuries qualified by the link and homicide qualified by the link. (Tomy Fragueiro / La Voz) Río Cuarto: pause in the trial for the tragic death of the shaken baby “They made a containment lagoon but it is not enough. Furthermore, with these rains, Route 8 is impassable and very dangerous, at the intersection with A005,” the producers point out. Lisandro Bertone, president of Regional 15 of Consortiums, conveys his helplessness in the face of the sad panorama left by the rains: “We returned to a clean slate, we paid for the use of the backhoe, from the Holmberg Consortium and from the Espinillo Consortium we invested in the repair of the roads, to be today, back at the starting line, and without money.” Bertone explains: “Now Road 40 of Espinillo, called Camino de la Costa, is closed, which is the one that goes to the Cotreco sanitary burial ground, the same thing happens with the road that goes to La Gilda; while the Santa Flora area is completely flooded.” One of the flooded producers warned that another problem is that “the drainage of the water from Río Cuarto on Route 8, from Barrio Trulalá, collapsed, broke the containment that was in that place and overflowed again onto the route, that is the eternal problem we have with the Río Cuarto drainage. The members of the consortium point out that after the Christmas rains, with great effort they had begun to repair roads that are now flooded again. In the southern areas of Río Cuarto that are always isolated, there are primary schools and a secondary school with more than 200 students. “The roads are rivers and now they are making gullies within the gullies. We should be happy about the rain for the production, but we are so worried that we ask that it not rain anymore,” said a producer. The fight against the “hordes” continues in Río Cuarto: they seize 30 motorcycles, weapons and drugs Córdoba: police killed an alleged motochoro, he was charged but it will be legitimate defense The members of regional 15 indicated that with the change of provincial government and the pass From the consortiums from Roads to Bioagrondustria, the games are very delayed. “They have spent more than 130 million and they are offered 47. There are many producers who have put in money to cover the red but they cant take it anymore and the problem continues,” reasoned a member of the Rural Society. “On the Country Road from Holmberg to Santa Flora there is currently two meters of water. We were working and we had not managed to enable, we were not able to compact the earth, it rained again. They need to enable us with an emergency file and, later, a control or an incentive for better water management of the basin as well,” said Bertone. He specified that the consortia have not received anything in January and February, they only received a subsidy of 650 thousand pesos with which they do not even pay the salaries of their staff. “There are people who came back from vacation to fix the roads, we work at a loss, we charge eight thousand pesos per kilometer and we must have 22 thousand in cost. A set of motor grader blades costs 300 thousand pesos. It is very difficult, it is very demoralizing,” he added.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 17 Feb 2024

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