Work Detail |
The Provincial Directorate of Roads had marked activity during the 2023 period, with paving works on routes and localities, in addition to the works carried out through the agreements concluded in due time with the Nation and infrastructures of provincial jurisdiction such as the maintenance of the tertiary network and firebreaks of the Civil Defense Directorate, which meant an investment of 106,000 million pesos. The road works were present in this management in all regions of the Province, arriving with infrastructures that accompany the growth of society in each of the aspects with notable benefits in the population either through the urban paving in their places of residence, that entail road safety and sanitation, having a direct impact on peoples health; repaving and road improvements which provide safety in vehicular circulation, acting positively for production, commerce, the economy and social integration, among many other aspects; maintenance and improvements in the tertiary network and firebreaks, essential for the agricultural sector, by collaborating with the passability of local roads, on the one hand, and participating in the prevention of forest fires in the second case. Maintenance Among the most important maintenance works, the execution of cold asphalt microagglomerate on provincial routes in the northern zone such as 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, and 101 stands out, in addition to the accesses to the localities located On such roads, the same activities were developed on the provincial routes of the southern zone, which includes provincial routes 1, 3, 9, 14, 18, 20, and 24. On the paved routes of the northern province, conservation work was carried out under a contract that addresses the need to intervene in different items of the provincial road network such as horizontal and vertical signaling, shoulder adjustment on paved routes, improvement in safety elements. road (flexbeam type strips), patching with hot mix asphalt, elevations and improvements on unpaved routes, in addition to other routine maintenance tasks. One of the important rehabilitation works was the reconstruction of Provincial Route 4, a section that runs from National Route 35 to the access to Caleufú. Trafficability and road safety The DPV had a marked role in localities in the interior of the province in which it carried out urban paving, such as Rolón, Eduardo Castex, Speluzzi, General Acha, providing citizens with quality road and sanitation conditions, which collaborate with well-being. of the general population, in addition to the significant improvement in trafficability and road safety. There are road works that are in the execution stage, such as the maintenance of the cold asphalt microagglomerate of Provincial Route 1 in the section that includes RP 102 and RN 5, Provincial Route 10, between National Routes 35 and 151 , in addition to Provincial Route 105 section between RP P 10 and the border with the province of San Luis. In General Pico, the renewal of urban paving is added to an important road work such as RP 1, which is considered important due to the expansion of capacity, with the incorporation of an ambitious urban project that will convert it into a double lane, section RN 188, RP 102. The infrastructures that are executed with the intervention of funds granted by the Nation are in action, the rehabilitation road works on the Provincial Routes N18, N1 and RN 35. Likewise, the Provincial Routes N 20, between RP 23 and RN 151 and the Urban Crossing in the vicinity of the city of General Acha, as well as the construction of structural reinforcement in RP 101, a section located between RN 188 and Falucho, the latter with provincial resources. The works that provide road safety to those who circulate on routes have also been a priority for the Provincial Government, which has illuminated 33 intersections and accesses to localities and is currently working on works that began in the period 2023 in the following locations RN 35 intersection RP 24 access to Peru, intersection RP 3 town of Abramo and intersection RP 1. On National Route 188, work is being carried out to illuminate intersections at the intersections with RP 9, RP 101, RP 7 and RP 1. Resurfacing work is being carried out on National Route 35, access to General San Martín via RP 1, access to the town of Abramo via RP3, access to Peru via RP 24, and remodeling on RN 35, access to Jacinto Araúz, General San Martín and Bernasconi. Rehabilitation and urban paving work continues in the streets of the cities of Santa Rosa with 421 blocks and in General Pico, paving in the urban area of ??Toay, corridors of Felice and Stieben streets of the capital city and paving of the town of Realicó . Neighborhood roads The maintenance work on the 18 thousand kilometers of local roads remained in force throughout 2023, most of which were carried out jointly with the municipalities of each jurisdiction of jurisdiction. Another task that has an important value because it protects the production and assets of the rural sector is the execution, cleaning and maintenance of the Civil Defense fire extinguishers, essential for the prevention and combat of forest fires in summer seasons. One of the works that was carried out is the retrofitting of the DPV Service station in Santa Rosa, which plays an important role for all organizations dependent on the provincial state. Finally, to provide continuity to the administrative tasks carried out by the Conservation Directorate, it will continue with the incorporation of new equipment in the execution of patching, soil movement and logistics in the distribution of fuel and other supplies. |