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Conservation group Wildcat Haven seeking to overturn planning permit for Vattenfalls Scottish wind farm Vattenfall will face a judicial review challenge later this month to the award of planning permission by Scottish Ministers for its 77MW Clashindarroch 2 onshore wind farm. Conservation group Wildcat Haven has been given the green light for the legal examination in the Court of Session, as first reported by subscriber-only reNEWS on 23 November 2023, amid concerns about habitat impacts on Scottish wildcats. A substantive hearing is scheduled for 18 January, where a judge will consider arguments from the challengers, Scottish government and Vattenfall. The timeframe for then making a ruling is uncertain but legal experts suggest Easter could be a likely decision date provided there are no unexpected delays. Clashindarroch 2 was consented for the installation of 14 turbines with 180-metre tip heights in June following an appeal process. It is due to be built in Aberdeenshire adjacent to Vattenfall’s existing 36.9MW Clashindarroch wind farm in the eponymous forest that lies within the Strathbogie Wildcat Priority Area. Scottish wildcats are a European protected species and the only native member of the cat family still found in the wild in Britain, according to NatureScot. Vattenfall said it intends to create wildlife corridors linking Clashindarroch forest with surrounding woodlands and to recruit a dedicated wildcat project officer to monitor the site for five years. The company’s head of UK onshore wind development Frank Elsworth told reNEWS: “Clashindarroch 1 has already been generating electricity for over eight years with no negative impact on the wildcat population, and we have recently completed peat bog restoration and tree planting to provide further cover for the wildcats to hunt and roam. “NatureScot scrutinised the environmental impact assessment for Clashindarroch 2 and agree with our conclusions and the proposed mitigation measures.” |