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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 56038

Procurement News Notice

PNN 56038
Work Detail The head of the 7th Santa Fe District, Fabio Sánchez, received from the president of the entity the distinction that highlights the public road work in Rafaela as the most important in the entire country in 2023. Enlarge image Send The Argentine Association of Highways (AAC) distinguished the Rafaela Bypass of the National Route Highway No. 34 built by National Roads as the Road Work of 2023. In an event held on the occasion of Day of the Road, the head of the 7th District of Santa Fe, Fabio Sánchez, received from the president of the entity the distinction that highlights the public road work in Rafaela as the most important of all. the country. The reasons for the designation were due to the complexity of the work and the technical challenges it represented, but also to its regional and national significance in improving the transitability of the corridor. The award ceremony for National Roads took place in the city of Buenos Aires, at a dinner held with road authorities from the provinces and the Nation, among other authorities linked to the sector. On behalf of National Roads, in addition to Fabio Sánchez, the executive manager of Regions and Districts, Patricio García; along with other department officials, such as Emma Albrieu, who is also president of the AAC. Likewise, the Argentine Highway Association gave a Mention to another road project of the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation, the National Route No. 8 highway between Pilar and Pergamino, in the province of Buenos Aires. For his part, Gustavo Weiss, president of the Argentine Chamber of Construction, made the toast with which the evening closed together with the ministers and provincial authorities present. It is worth remembering that, with the authorization in August of the Western Bypass of Rafaela, 17 kilometers were annexed by new layout to complete the 45 kilometers of the RN 34 highway, from Angélica to the north of the departmental capital. The double expressway represented an investment by the National Government that reached $26,471 million, with 75% of the work carried out in the current administration, with work resumed in the first months of 2020 when only five kilometers were enabled from RN 19 to the North. Katopodis enabled 17 km in August The former Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis; the governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti; and the mayor of Rafaela, Luis Castellano, opened 17 km of the new Rafaela Bypass to traffic, which was built on a new layout on the west side of this city and is part of the National Route 34 Highway. In that sense, the Minister said: The new Rafaela Bypass that we are enabling traffic today is one of the most important sections of Route 34, which already has 45 km of highway to benefit production and circulation along this whole corridor. In turn, he added: «This province is a locomotive for the development of our country. If they govern these works will slow down again. We believe that a Great Argentina is achieved with more Public Works. The work, carried out by National Roads, included the construction of two carriageways with two lanes in each direction of travel, a central flowerbed, a cloverleaf-type interchange at the junction with Provincial Route 70, and a bridge over the Miter Railway tracks. Safe Route: the transformation of the 70 After the first deep and superficial patching work in two different sections of the western area of ??the section between kilometers 52 and 53, Nuevo Torino roundabout (intersection with Provincial Route N°10); and between kilometers 69 and 70, in the urban limit of Bella Italia, the winning companies continue with the work of the Safe Route project on Provincial Route No. 70. The works are based on the formation of the first Safe Route of the provincial territory, and in detail, they focus on the construction of overtaking lanes (third lane 3.5 meters wide), which will be alternated in lengths of no less at 2000 meters, promoting overtaking maneuvers in 45 to 50% of the corridor, speeding up the circulation of vehicles and improving user safety. The improvement of shoulders on both sides of the main road, which will increase safety in the event of unforeseen maneuvers and the elimination of misalignments at the edge of the road. In addition to the renovation of urban crossings in Esperanza, Humboldt, Nuevo Torino, Bella Italia and Rafaela with the construction of additional lanes for the transformation into roads with two lanes in each direction of circulation, new lighting, interventions on drainage and greater ordering of circulation , and also the resurfacing of the existing 7.3 meter wide roadways, which will be reconstructed in order to restore its surface and structural condition. It is worth noting that one of the workshops is located at the east entrance to the town of Humboldt. On this topic, the communal president Duilio Rohrmann had told El Litoral a few weeks ago that this is a very significant project for the region and the staff of the winning company is working to prepare the place where the workshop is located. As for the main city of the Las Colonias department, patching works are currently being carried out in different sectors, but there are still no places where the expansion to a third lane will be carried out, as occurs in the following section between Nuevo Torino and Humboldt . In this sense, they indicated that the adaptation of the land at the entrance to Esperanza will be finalizing these days, to move forward with the rest of the work.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 02 Jan 2024

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