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German renewable energy developer BayWa re has collected scientific data on aquatic fauna, water quality and birdlife from several environmental impact monitoring studies at eight of its operational floating photovoltaic installations in Europe. It has discovered that artificial habitats placed under the panels protect some animal species and improve water quality. BayWa re has published the first results of several environmental impact studies carried out on birdlife, wild fish farming and water quality of two of its floating solar parks in the Netherlands. The results show that artificial habitats under the panels, or “bio huts”, are very beneficial for aquatic ecosystems. The first studies carried out by Ecocean in the 20 bio-cabinets of the 18-hectare Bomhofsplas floating solar park, three years after its installation, showed a considerable increase in the presence of aquatic fauna, both invertebrates and fish. Bio huts have a nursery function, protecting small fish from predators. They also serve as spawning grounds for fish and habitats for microorganisms and invertebrates. In the same floating solar park at Bomhofsplas, the water quality did not change after the installation of the solar panels. The University of Groningen measured the water quality for more than 10 months. These measurements were carried out with sensors placed at different depths in open water and under the panels. The companys experts also verified that dissolved oxygen levels also remain at normal levels. The temperature differences under the panels have even been reduced compared to the open water area. The temperatures of the upper layer of water, during warm periods, were lower under the panels and the cooling of the water, during cold periods, also occurred more slowly under the panels. BayWa re also conducted a study on the birdlife at the Weperpolder floating solar farm. Commissioned in 2018, the 1.5 hectare array is located near a natural area. The census campaigns aimed to measure the number of birds and geese before and after the construction of the floating solar park. The observations indicate a high presence - and comparable to the initial situation - of birds and geese in the lake. Some of them - ducks and seagulls - even use floating photovoltaic installations as a resting place. “This research effort allows us to improve our knowledge and the design of our parks. Many articles are published, but only a few are based on measurements, monitoring or solid scientific bases,” says Constantin Magne, spokesperson for BayWare in France. BayWa re currently has 19 floating solar parks under construction or in operation, that is, more than 300 MW. |