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El Salvador Procurement News Notice - 55288

Procurement News Notice

PNN 55288
Work Detail It is the first photovoltaic park built by the Central American state, with an estimated investment of 20 million dollars. The state Executive Hydroelectric Commission of the Lempa River (CEL), dedicated – until now – to the generation and sale of electrical energy from hydroelectric plants, has announced the inauguration of Talnique Solar, the first solar plant built by the Salvadoran state, of 17 MWp , located in the municipality of Talnique, department of La Libertad. The project, which has involved an estimated investment of 20 million dollars and has been executed by the company Inversiones Energéticas (INE), a subsidiary of CEL, deploys a total of 29,600 bifacial solar modules, and has a robotic panel cleaning system . The INE states that its energy production is equivalent to supplying about 26 thousand homes that consume 100 kWh per month. The construction, which began in November of last year , meant that 20% of the work team were women, mainly from the area, as highlighted. “This is a project that has a significant milestone, since the generation of this plant will be part of the first long-term public contract associated with the generation of photovoltaic energy,” said the president of CEL, Daniel Álvarez. This photovoltaic plant joins two other self-consumption plants, located in administrative offices and in the Talnique Power Plant.
Country El Salvador , Central America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 23 Dec 2023

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