Work Detail |
This document corresponds to the final report of the executive project of the Bridge located on Provincial Route N°149 over the Santa María River in the Section: Emp. National Route 40 – Las Mojarras – Emp. Provincial Route N°149 – El Sitio, in the Province of Catamarca and its accesses. The project was developed under the premise of strengthening the current road layout, with the objective of improving the infrastructure of the area and facilitating its commercial development, characterized by important commercial activity and a growing demand for tourist activity. Its design will be governed by national regulations. Santa María is the capital city of the homonymous department, it is located in the eastern center of the province of Catamarca, 332 km from the provincial capital San Fernando del Valle; the Santa María River; It divides the urban center in two, on the right bank the towns of Caspichango, Las Mojarras, El Cerrito, Lampacito, Chañarpunco unit by Ruta Nac 40 and on the left bank Santa María, La Soledad, El Recreo, Loro Huasi united by the Provincial Route 149 Currently there is a single-gauge bridge 2 km upstream (taking the location of the bridge that is the subject of this document as a reference), but it does not satisfy the current demand of the population. A clear example of this is that the residents walk along a footprint on the river bed joining both banks, causing continuous processes of erosion, road risks and environmental deterioration of the sector. According to the documentation consulted, this has a distance between the head of the piles and the underside of the beams of 4.67m, and a sediment deposition rate of 3.20m, that is; 0.065m/year for the period 1972-2021 (49 years). This executive project contemplates the construction of a two-lane bridge and access roads in order to enhance the junction between Emp. National Route 40 (Las Mojarras) – Emp. Provincial Route N°149 (El Sitio). Based on the preliminary requirements of the Provincial Directorate of Roads of Catamarca and as a result of several technical meetings, the location of the Bridge was determined, considered the most suitable, which is developed in this report. EXECUTIVE PROJECT FOR BRIDGE OVER SANTA MARIA RIVER ON PROVINCIAL ROUTE N° 149 EMP SECTION. RN N°40 LAS MOJARRAS EMPALME PROVINCIAL ROUTE N°149 EL PUESTO 12 In the first stage, the collection of background information, basic studies and The geological, topographical and hydrological campaigns were carried out, from which it was observed that the area where the bridge will be located will be located immediately downstream of the confluence between the Santa María River and tributary streams on both banks (Arroyo sin nombre and Arroyo Santa Rosa ), resulting in some recommendations, such as carrying out protection works in the abutment area or adopting abutments with a hydrodynamic shape in order to mitigate the effects that these currents could generate on the structure. With reference to the structure and as a result of the calculations described in Unit No. 6, the construction of a bridge made of reinforced concrete in situ and prestressed concrete was defined. The structural typology adopted for the superstructure is a prestressed concrete beam bridge with direct adhesion, with a pre-slab system as lost formwork, with a specific length for the bridge of 350m that allows the channel to be bridged from the east to west bank, with sections of 25m, with 13 piers and a total of 14 spans between abutments. To complete the road design, work was done in the access areas to the bridge. Firstly, its intersection with Provincial Route 357 (Eastern Access), for which it is proposed to add a new branch to the roundabout where the Pachamama Monument is located. This is designed in such a way that it is a mandatory point of passage for all travelers through this monument, so significant for the entire population of Santa María. While with the Intersection of National Route 40 (Western Access), the construction of a modern roundabout with 3 access branches is suggested, in such a way as to guarantee a safe, comfortable and economical intersection alternative. By virtue of what is determined in Unit No. 3, the need to take into account the possibility of implementing defense works to protect both the accesses and the structure itself is established. On both the east and west banks, the abutments are located in the floodplain area of ??the river and not within the channel itself, so it is considered that these defenses will have the purpose of protecting the banks of the channel in coincidence with the implementation point, downstream and upstream with a total length of 400 linear meters. A very interesting contribution was the socialization stage of the project through a survey carried out among the residents of the town of Santa Maria, from which the great interest in environmental issues and the very good reception of this work, considering that it will have positive impacts in the short, medium and long term, also the majority of residents are interested in participating in the environmental audit processes and highlighted the most important social demands from the point of view of health and the deep problems of flooding, garbage, burning on the banks of the river. And they showed their demand for the prompt completion of the work of the Cloacles Liquid Treatment Plant that is being built on the banks of the stream. This work of art will significantly improve the permanent communication of the populations located on both banks of the river, which will inevitably impact in an improvement in economic, educational and health quality. BRIDGE RECOVERY AND DEFENSE RECONSTRUCTION OVER SANTA MARIA RIVER - PROVINCIAL ROUTE N° 357 - SECTION: AMAICHA DEL VALLE - NATIONAL ROUTE N° 40 (PROGR. 13.14 KM) - TAFI DEL VALLE PROV. DE TUCUMÁN Print version Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF ROADS Tender No: 26/2023 Place: Province of Tucumán |