Work Detail |
New call for bids for the repaving work of National Route 40: when will it be? This is the 42 kilometer stretch between the access to Facundo and the Los Tamariscos area. The project will have an investment by the national government of more than $3.1 billion. The opening of the National Roads tender will be on December 27. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2023 15:06 Second call for bids for the resurfacing work of National Route 40 Second call for bids for the resurfacing work of National Route 40 The Ministry of Public Works, through National Roads, announced that this Monday, November 13, the second call for bids for the resurfacing work on National Route 40 was published, between the access to the town of Facundo and the Los Tamariscos area. The publication of the National Public Tender has been carried out by the CONTRAT.AR system, under Contracting Process No. 46-0275-LPU23. It foresees the execution of the repaving work of RN 40 in a length of 42 kilometers, between kilometers 1,432.43 and 1,474.71 with an investment amount that exceeds $3,144 million by National Roads, as of June 2023, and with an execution period of 12 (twelve) months from the signing of the staking act. The work to be carried out consists of the execution of a layer of asphalt concrete 6.90 meters wide and includes the irrigation of glue with asphalt emulsion throughout the section. New reinforcement of $55,000 for retirees and a 20.87% increase in salaries This is the repaving work of RN 40 in a length of 42 kilometers, between Facundo and Los Tamariscos, with an investment amount that exceeds $3,144 million by National Road This is the resurfacing work of RN 40 in a length of 42 kilometers, between Facundo and Los Tamariscos, with an investment amount that exceeds $3,144 million by National Road WORKS TO BE CARRIED OUT Prior to the execution of the portfolio, in certain sectors the demolition and removal of the existing pavement across the entire width of the road is planned; the conditioning of the existing granular base on the road, with the contribution of granular material in 7.10 meters of width and a primer irrigation with asphalt emulsion. The sealing of cracks and surface patching with hot asphalt mixture is also contemplated in the sectors in which the removal of the existing pavement will not be carried out. Unconsciousness at the wheel!: They filmed a car driving the wrong way on Route 3 in Comodoro. Likewise, the construction of gravel shoulders 2.50 meters wide was planned in the sectors to be reconstructed. In turn, cold microagglomerate will be carried out on shoulders, one meter wide throughout the section. National Roads is once again calling for bids for this work after the failure of the first call, which opened on June 14, after the offers presented by interested companies exceeded the official budget. The publication of the current call for bids for the repaving work of RN 40 is available for consultation on the website: from November 13, 2023. On December 27 of the current year, at 10:00 a.m., the opening of the current tender will take place. NATIONAL ROUTE N° 40. SECTION: EMP. RN 26 (EX. RP 20) – EMP. RP 23. SECTION: KM 1432.43 – KM 1474.71. CHUBUT PROVINCE Type of Work: Road Works Client: NATIONAL ROAD DIRECTORATE Tender No: 46-0275-LPU23 Place: Province of Chubut Opening date: 12/27/2023 at 10:00 AM Official budget: $3,144,919,000.00 |