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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 51621

Procurement News Notice

PNN 51621
Work Detail For almost $500 million, the works to recondition the Pedestrian were awarded. After a first call for bids without offers, the second opening of envelopes was carried out in the first days of August. What the works consist of. After a second call for bids, the municipal government awarded almost $500 million to the only company that bid to carry out reconditioning and enhancement works on the San Martín Pedestrian within the framework of an agreement between the Buenos Aires government and the Municipality of General Pueyrredon. In detail, what the tasks consist of. The firm Istria SA, the only company presented, was awarded a total of $488,857,126 within the framework of the second call for bids (after a first without bidders) for public works called “Microcenter pedestrian priority” to recondition and enhance the San Martín Pedestrian. In detail, the opening of envelopes was carried out in the first days of August with a basic offer for $611 million (almost 100% above the official budget) and another alternative for $488 million (equivalent to more than 52% of the official budget), finally awarded. Although in the first call for bids for the works on the Mar del Plata Pedestrian Street they had been budgeted for $320 million in March, later due to the inflationary process the official budget had been updated to $364 million in June based on the Construction Cost index General of the Indec. In any case, the offer continued to be above the official budget, with differences that became 67% and 34%, respectively. The reconditioning works on the San Martín Pedestrian Street, it should be remembered, are part of the agreement signed by Mayor Guillermo Montenegro with Governor Axel Kicillof within the framework of the Municipal Infrastructure Fund, as of this year called “Municipalities to Work.” THE DETAILS OF THE TASKS As part of the project, the tasks will begin at the intersection of San Martín with Yrigoyen Street and will extend to Entre Ríos. In general terms, the works aim at a “reconditioning and urban integration” of the section between Yrigoyen and San Luis Street. There they will seek to unify pedestrian traffic spaces and reduce the roadway for vehicular use. They will also seek improvements in lighting and “modernize” urban equipment. Likewise, and after the claims that arose at a political level due to the state of the structures, the work will also include a “valuation of the deck areas of the San Martín Pedestrian in its entirety.” Thus, between San Luis and Entre Ríos they will change the wooden decks for another PVC one, while they will also carry out the maintenance of wooden benches. For its part, between Miter and San Luis the existing flooring will be changed, the drainage system will be adapted, a “re-execution” of the existing white scarves of Madres de Plaza de Mayo will be carried out, lighting fixtures will be relocated, flower pots will be repaired, benches and chess tables and waste baskets will be incorporated. Read also: Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, on alert for a “re-execution” of the handkerchiefs Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, on alert for a “re-execution” of the handkerchiefs They criticized the municipal government for the lack of communication about the measure ordered for a replacement in the Pedestrian: If you take out the scarves, we will paint them again. As soon as the tender was launched, it should be remembered that the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association showed their state of alert since the document plans to carry out a “re-execution” of the white handkerchiefs painted at the intersection with the Mitre, without knowing the extent of the measure. The thing is that although the official documentation provides, in advance, for “agreeing and intervening” with human rights organizations to determine the type of paint, molds and distribution, this did not occur until after the bidding process had begun.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 26 Oct 2023

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