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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 51619

Procurement News Notice

PNN 51619
Work Detail The official budget was more than 169 million pesos. There were two companies that applied. Now each of them will be evaluated by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Nation. After the first call for Public Tender No. 3/2023 for the construction of the Technological Pole has been declared unsuccessful by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Nation for exceeding the official budget amount and not complying with the documentation stipulated in the specifications, the second call for bids was made. The envelope opening took place today and the official budget, updated at the request of the municipality, was $169,803,810.68. In total there were two companies that applied. Now each of the proposals will be evaluated by the Ministry authorities and then, together with the municipality, designate the successful bidder. In addition to the purchasing department staff, the secretary of Public Works and Services, Diana Markovic, and the secretary of Production, Javier Volpatti, also participated in the opening of envelopes. The technological pole involves the construction of a 317 m2 building that will have an entrance hall, administration, meeting room, toilets, disabled bathroom, breastfeeding room, laboratory, 3 coworking rooms, conference room and outdoor patio. It should be remembered that it will be located in the Belgrano neighborhood and will allow the municipalitys information technology capabilities to be strengthened through HR training and coordination with local SMEs. 2nd CALL | CONSTRUCTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL POLE Type of Work: Architectural Works Client: MUNICIPALITY OF GENERAL JUAN MADARIAGA Tender No: 3/2023 Location: Province of Buenos Aires Opening date: 10/20/2023 at 10:00 AM Official budget: $169,803,810.68
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 26 Oct 2023

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