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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 50993

Procurement News Notice

PNN 50993
Work Detail Those responsible for the company Fabri SA, from Puerto Madryn, will be investigated by Justice for not complying with the aquifer work in Manantiales Behr and El Trébol. They should have completed the work almost a year ago and for that at the time they were fined. The criminal complaint was made by a councilor who asked to summon two professionals from the municipality. They awarded her a project, gave her an advance payment and she did not even put up the start sign. The senior construction teacher, Verónica Díaz, and the engineer Clarisa Méndez must ratify in criminal justice the irregularities of the company Fabri SA – based in Puerto Madryn - that they already denounced regarding the award of the “Optimization of the groundwater collection system in Manantiales Behr and El Trébol”. It was awarded by the municipality of Comodoro Rivadavia on March 29, 2022 and its purpose was to obtain an alternative to obtain drinking water suitable for human consumption. It was Councilor Omar Lattanzio who turned to Justice at the beginning of this month to ask that the irregularity be clarified, since after an ordinance approved in the Deliberative Council in November 2021, an agreement was signed between the National Water Works Entity of Sanitation (ENOHSA) and the municipality. From there, a tender was called and the work was awarded to Fabri SA, for a total value of 400,970,808 pesos. According to the agreement, the work of Madryns firm was to begin on May 2 and be completed in six months. But almost a year has passed and Fabri SA did nothing, the complaint maintains. As an aggravating factor, it appears that he was granted a 20% advance payment; that is, 76,184,453 pesos. CONTROLS WARNED The person in charge of controlling that the work was carried out was the senior construction master, Verónica Díaz, who in August 2022 reported on the irregularity, given that more than half of the planned time had passed and no movements were perceived. In fact, not even the company had placed the start of work sign, something basic. From the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works, it was the engineer Clarisa Méndez who formally communicated the irregularity of Fabri SA to her superiors. She did so on August 24 and 29, 2022 and for this reason it was decided to fine the company. As provided in the contract, the corresponding fine consists of paying 5 per thousand of the total for each day of delay, although it was never executed, according to councilor Lattanzio, who highlights that Fabri was “gifted” 76 million pesos and that the agreement was not even terminated. In its defense, Madryns company blamed the Municipality for not preparing the land or repairing the roads damaged by the rain and snow that fell during the winter of last year. Likewise, he blamed the authorities for not having processed access to the location with YPF, which was described as “invalid excuses” by the complainant, with the sole purpose of evading his own responsibility, since two months before the award Four days before the work should begin, executives from Fabri SA toured the site where the aquifers should be today. The thing is that to aspire to the work it was a requirement to present proof of a visit to the place, which was signed by Puerto Madryn on the papers. Source: El Patagonico
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 18 Oct 2023

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