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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 49201

Procurement News Notice

PNN 49201
Work Detail Provincial Roads opened the public bidding envelopes for works on RP No. 5 Share On Monday the 18th, the public bidding envelopes were opened for the construction of granular stabilization on Provincial Route No. 5 , in the section that goes from RP No. 1 and National Route No. 11, which mainly links the Yatay and Tres Mojones neighborhoods. In this regard, the general administrator of the Provincial Directorate of Roads (DPV), engineer Javier Caffa, explained that in this event the tender was made for the first 12-kilometer section that starts from the town of Misión Laishí towards Yatay. In this sense, he specified that the execution period is 12 months, including throughout the work the construction of the embankment, transversal reinforced concrete culverts, the lateral access culverts to the different properties and the entire water runoff system. In this way, Caffa pointed out that it is a very important work because it will allow this entire area with great development and very productive to have permanent access in any weather condition, without difficulty. Likewise, he explained that the investment has an official budget of 860 million pesos, financed by the Provincial Treasury. Political decision For his part, the mayor of Misión Laishí, José Lezcano, highlighted that the news was received with great joy, “because in the moments in which we are living, taking into account the economic situation, the political decision of our governor Gildo Insfrán of “That this tender be carried out is fundamental and transcendental.” For this reason, he said he is “proud of what is happening throughout the department of Laishí,” adding that there are numerous works being carried out in different locations. In addition, he recalled Insfráns announcement of 20 blocks of pavement plus the entire neighborhood improvement program, which also involves pavements, gravel, cobblestones, among other things. “All this makes the Formoseño Model more alive than ever,” he assured and added that “this way the neighbor has the possibility of improving their quality of life,” he concluded.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 21 Sep 2023

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