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Mali Procurement News Notice - 48117

Procurement News Notice

PNN 48117
Work Detail Mali’s Ministry of National Education (MEN) has invited bids to provide construction works for schools in the district of Bamako. MEN, through the Department of Finance and Equipment, invites closed bids for the construction of 20 school kits. These kits consist of 3 classrooms, 1 office storage facility, and 2 sets of 3 latrines, distributed across 6 lots as follows: Lot 1: Construction of nine classrooms, three office-storage facilities, and six sets of three latrines for Sénou Aviation A and C schools, Sénou Médine III (CAP of Sénou); Lot 2: Construction of 12 classrooms, four office-storage facilities, and eight sets of three latrines for Daoudabougou D and G schools, Donsombougou (CAP of Torokorobougou), and Sabalibougou F (CAP of Baco-Djicoroni); Lot 3: Construction of nine classrooms, three office-storage facilities, and six sets of three latrines for ECOM schools in Sogoniko (CAP of Sogoniko), South Kalaban B (Kalaban Coura CAP), and Niamacoro C (Faladje CAP); Lot 4: Construction of 12 classrooms, four office storage facilities, and eight sets of three latrines for Djanguinebougou A (CAP de Banconi), Ismaila DIAWARA A (CAP de Bozola), TSF (CAP de Bozola), and Franco Arabe A (CAP du Center commercial); Lot 5: Construction of nine classrooms, three office-storage facilities, and six sets of three latrines for Point GA schools (CAP of Shopping Center), Niomi E, and Samé C (CAP of Bamako Coura); and Lot 6: Construction of nine classrooms, three office-storage facilities, and six sets of three latrines for Mamadou Lamine DIARRA G, Sebenicoro, and Sibiribougou schools (CAP of Sebenicoro). The Government of the Republic of Mali has received funding from the World Bank to finance the Project to Improve the Quality and Results of Education for All in Mali (MIQRA). Offers must be submitted to the address no later than October 02, 2023. More information about this tender can be found on our Business Opportunity page here.
Country Mali , Western Africa
Industry Construction
Entry Date 06 Sep 2023

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