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Peru Procurement News Notice - 46326

Procurement News Notice

PNN 46326
Work Detail The Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation of Peru has announced the start of the installation of solar panels in the Puno region, in the southeast of the country, with the aim of helping to mitigate the local impacts of water stress. The Peruvian Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI) has begun the installation of solar panels in 68 districts of the Puno region, as part of the actions to deal with water stress in that altiplano region. In a statement, it is explained that it involves the placement of 136 family irrigation modules, to cope with the water stress of the region, beginning in Churopampa, district of Chucuito, province of Puno, with the location of a first demonstration module that supplies water to 40 hectares of crops and feed for livestock. It is described that each family irrigation module is powered by solar panels and works thanks to a hydropump placed in a well or spring, previously identified by the specialists of the Lake Titicaca Binational Special Project. The water is transferred to water reservoirs, which will later serve to supply water resources to agricultural plots. Another work carried out by MIDAGRI in that region is the identification of 437 open pit wells in 36 districts of Puno, exactly in the Lake Titicaca hydrographic zone, of which 353 are for rehabilitation works and 84 new ones. The wells will be equipped with solar panels, an electric pump and lightning rods, and will benefit more than 3,000 people.
Country Peru , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 11 Aug 2023

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