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United States Procurement News Notice - 45248

Procurement News Notice

PNN 45248
Work Detail A $22.6 million Matanzas High School Expansion project is currently underway in Flagler county, Florida. This project is one of the largest expansions on a Flagler school campus in about 15 years. It’s also quite significant for the district. Especially since the new upgrades to the campus will delay the construction of a new high school for a few years. Kristin Bozeman, Matanzas High School’s Principal said the expansion would cater for the future growth of the school. Bozeman said also the school would have to deal with the challenge of operating with a construction zone on the campus. But in the long run, he said the new campus design would be a better fit for the school’s needs. Timeline for the Matanzas High School expansion project HA Contracting Corp is the contractor for the Matanzas High School expansion project, while SchenkelShultz Architecture will handle designs. The developers expect the entire expansion to take about two years to reach completion. A new square footage, designed by SchenkelShultz will be attached to Building 5 on the campus. This new addition would have an airier and less forbidding atmosphere that attempts to combine security with a sense of openness. Additionally, the developer will also renovate about 11,000 square feet of the school’s existing footprint within Buildings 9 and 10. The Matanzas High School expansion project will cover the a?dition of new classrooms, and a larger media center. Furthermore the cafeteria space will be expanded, and a new central energy plant will also be built on the campus. Development plans for the project show that the plant and the new building would most likely be completed by December 2024. Afterwards, the renovations will commence, and this phase will reach substantial completion by May 2025. With this construction timeline in place, Matanzas plans to begin its 2023-24 school year for teachers by August 1. While students will resume classes by August 10. Construction work will phased in order to minimise disruptions on the campus and conduct classes normally.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 27 Jul 2023

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