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Chile Procurement News Notice - 44167

Procurement News Notice

PNN 44167
Work Detail The CNE incorporates changes that encourage the participation of non-variable renewable energy and storage projects through exempt Resolution No. 284. 5,400 GWh will be auctioned. The National Energy Commission (CNE) of Chile approved the definitive bases of the National and international public tender for the supply of energy and electrical power to supply the consumption of customers subject to price regulation, Supply Tender 2023/01. A total of 5,400 GWh will be auctioned, distributed in 2 supply blocks, one of 1,800 GWh, and a second of 3,600 GWh, to supply the energy needs of the regulated clients of the National Electric System from the years 2027 and 2028, respectively. The preliminary bases, released in May , have already incorporated changes; specifically, the segmentation of the tender into 3 zonal blocks; an increase in the duration of the supply contract to 20 years; the possibility of transferring the systemic costs of the short-term market; and a direct incentive to means of storage and generation with non-variable renewable energies. The definitive bases, published this Monday through exempt Resolution No. 284, incorporate more novelties that encourage the participation of non-variable renewable energy and storage projects, according to the CNE. Changes Among the main changes to the definitive bases, the promotion of storage income stands out: on the one hand, the incentive mechanism for these technologies is modified; and, on the other hand, the universe of projects eligible for this benefit was expanded, including hydraulic projects that can provide flexibility to the system. To access the incentive, the storage must have a duration of at least 4 hours. In addition, the transfer of Systemic Costs is contemplated, which includes the possibility of incorporating other future systemic costs that may appear, prior approval by the CNE. The executive secretary of the CNE, Marco Antonio Mancilla, highlighted the important innovations for the incentive to storage means and renewable energies with storage capacity, renewable energies with regulation capacity, and basic renewable energies without polluting emissions, which deepens the decarbonization process of the national energy matrix and contributes to the flexibility and security of the electrical system”. new schedule Call for national and international tenders: July 14. Consultation period: Until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15, 2023. Proposal submission date: December 13, 2023, between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., at a place that will be communicated in a timely manner. Date of opening and inspection of the economic offers and opening of the reserve price: January 4, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m. in a place that will be communicated in a timely manner. Public award ceremony (in the event of completion of the award in the first stage): January 10, 2024.
Country Chile , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 12 Jul 2023

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