Work Detail |
The tender for a new drilling for the citys drinking water network was launched, including the construction of the respective aqueducts and their connection pipes, after negotiations with ENOHSA (National Entity for Water Management and Environmental Sanitation). The Municipality opened the sale of specifications for public bidding, for more than 135 million pesos, to specify a new drilling for the citys drinking water network, including the construction of the respective aqueducts and their connection pipes. Thus, a management that the secretary of Public Works and Services of the commune and its direction of Sanitary Works, constantly promoted before the ENOHSA (National Entity of Water Management and Environmental Sanitation), indicated from the municipal government. The new perforation will be carried out in the area of ??the extension of Azcuénaga street towards provincial route 31. From there the aqueducts will be built, plus their connection pipes, to bring greater flow to some sectors that have presented a pressure deficit in the network at certain times. Meanwhile, with municipal funds, various interventions in the distribution network were carried out that will enhance said work. Among them we can highlight the new well in Diego Trillo and Arabia, plus the installation of a tank with a capacity of 50,000 liters, and the intervention in the so-called nucleus zone, in the aforementioned Trillo towards the intersection with Helguera, where they find connecting pipes. There, all the pipes, which were decades old, were replaced, installing pressure gauges in each connection to measure the pressures of each one, which allows the possibility of reading the records immediately, and improving the water supply at specific moments. ASPHALT The Government of Rojas launched the Public Tender 06/2023, for the installation work of asphalt pavement in the neighborhoods of La Loma, Nehuenche, Progreso, Belgrano, 20 de Octubre, Spain and Ramos, for an official budget of 126,979,125 millions of pesos. These resources correspond to the amount that, through the CUD (Unique Distribution Coefficient), were sent to Rojas from the provincial government, within the framework of the Buenos Aires Municipalities to Work program, duly endorsed between the commune and province by Mayor Román Bouvier and Governor Axel Kicillof, in an act held at the Buenos Aires Government House. Until May 5, those interested may consult and/or purchase the respective specifications. To do this, they must go to the Commune Purchasing Office, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The value of the sheets is 455,000 pesos. Economic proposals on this basis may be submitted until May 9 at 10:30 a.m., at the municipal Purchasing Office, while that same day, at 11 a.m., the bid opening ceremony will take place at the community headquarters. The plan plans to pave some 30 blocks in the city that were defined by the Ministry of Public Works and Services and that would begin to be executed between May and June. The scope of these works benefits hundreds of residents in each neighborhood and is part of the improvement plan in different parts of the city, which also includes lighting works (replacement of luminaires, pole repair, etc.), beautification and improvement of public spaces, paving, construction and repair of ditch cordons, etc. that are being carried out in Rojas and the delegations. The detail of the streets planned for paving is as follows: -La Loma neighborhood: Blas Parera between Matheu and Azcuénaga; Blas Parera between Azcuénaga and Triunvirato: López and Planes between Matheu and Azcuénaga; Pinazo between Azcuénaga and Matheu; Pinazo between Azcuénaga and Zeballos; Azcuénaga between López and Planes and Pinazo; Zeballos between Blas Parera and López and Planes; and Triumvirate between Blas Parera and López y Planes. -Nehuenche neighborhood: Ireland between Alessandro and Liniers. -Progreso neighborhood: Virrey Vértiz between Pellegrini and Pastor Obligado; Viceroy Vértiz between Pastor Obligado and Mansilla; Viceroy Vertiz between Mansilla and Balcarce; and Azara between Arnold and Fortín Mercedes, -Belgrano neighborhood: Martínez Fontes between Oyhanarte and Martín Rodríguez. -Barrio 20 de Octubre: Armando Aloé between JG Muñoz and Dardo Rocha; Armando Aloé between Dardo Rocha and Belgrano; Armando Aloé between Belgrano and Colón; Dardo Rocha between J. González and Mario Gazo; and Belgrano between J. González and Mario Gazo, -Barrio España: Step between J. González and Alte. Brown; and Pass between Alte. Brown and Moreno Avenue. -Barrio Ramos: Holmberg between Gral. Alvear and Gral. Villegas, and Gral. Villegas between Larrea and Holmberg. |