Work Detail |
National Highway Administration, reported that the opening of the National Public Tender for the CONTRAT.AR system was carried out under the Contracting Process that provides for the improvement and maintenance work of National Route 3 over a length of 40 kilometers, between the crossing of the routes 3 and provincial 4 to the weighing post of Puerto Lobos, Km 1,354.66 and Km 1,394.37. Two offers were presented, the first one corresponding to the company CN Sapag, which quoted the tasks at 3,233,139,703.35 pesos. For its part, the company Choel SRL quoted the work at 3,514,217,026.62 pesos. The budget for the work, as of December 2021, is over 860 million pesos and has an execution period of 18 months from the signing of the rethinking act. The works to be carried out consist of the execution of conditioning tasks that include sealing of bridge-type cracks, superficial patching with hot asphalt mix and milling to correct rutting, in addition to the application of a rubber coating and the execution of a folder in 7.30 meters wide. The reconditioning of the paved shoulders in both directions of circulation is also planned, which consists of the demolition and removal of the existing bituminous treatment, the readjustment of the cross gauge with gravel, the application of a primer and binder irrigation; and the execution of a folder one meter wide and gravel sidewalks in the remaining two meters wide. Finally, the cleaning and unloading of the existing works of art within the section to be intervened is contemplated. From now on, the administrative times begin, with a deadline provided in case there are observations to the bidding process, and later the estimate of the offer presented will be carried out, in charge of an evaluation commission of National Highway. After this work, which will require approximately 60 days, the award of the work can be made. IMPROVING CONSERVATION WORK. NATIONAL ROUTE N° 3 – CHUBUT PROVINCE. SECTION: LTE. RÍO NEGRO / CHUBUT – PTO. MADRYN. SECTION: km. 1354.66 – KM 1394.37 Type of Work: Road Works Client: NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF ROADS Tender No: 46-0186-LPU22 Location: Province of Chubut Opening date: 04/19/2023 at 10:00 AM Official budget: $861,751,000.00 Bids submitted CN SAPAG SOCIEDAD ANONIMA $ 3,233,139,703.35 CHOEL SRL $ 3,514,217,026.62 More information at Source: |