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United States Procurement News Notice - 4153

Procurement News Notice

PNN 4153
Work Detail The Department of Defense today announced the creation of a new Advisory Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations, with the goal of finding ways to streamline the notoriously cumbersome Pentagon acquisition process. The panel, which was Congressionally mandated under section 809 of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, will be led by Deidre Lee, former Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy and former Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator. Over a two year term, the panel will focus on five target areas, according to a Pentagon release – to establish and administer appropriate buyer and seller relationships in the procurement system; Improve the functioning of the acquisition system; Ensure the continuing financial and ethical integrity of defense procurement programs; Protect the best interests of the Department of Defense; and Eliminate any regulations that are unnecessary for the purposes described. While there will be interim reports to the Secretary of Defense, the final report from the panel is due third quarter of 2018. The panel also launched a website seeking public comment on these issues. Lee is joined by 17 other members, including William LaPlante, recently Air Force acquisition head and Ret. Vice Admiral Joseph Dyer, former Commander of the Naval Air Systems Command and Naval Air Warfare Center. Maj. Gen. Casey D. Blake, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Contracting, appears to be the only member of the panel still in the military. The full panel list: Major General Casey Blake, USAF Major General Kenneth Merchant, USAF, Ret. Mr. Elliott Branch Dr. Allan Burman Mr. David Drabkin Vice Admiral Joseph Dyer, USN, Ret. Mr. Harry Hallock Mr. Laurence Trowel Ms. Deidre Lee (Chair) Mr. David Metzger Dr. Terry Raney Ms. Claire Grady Ms. Cathleen Garman Major General Darryl Scott, USAF, Ret. Mr. Charlie E. Williams, Jr. Lieutenant General Ross Thompson, USA, Ret. Dr. William LaPlante
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Defence
Entry Date 03 Sep 2016

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