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Governor Arabela Carreras, chaired this Wednesday in Bariloche the opening of envelopes with economic offers for the High Voltage electrical interconnection work for Bariloche, Dina Huapi and Villa La Angostura (ALIPIBA II) from the Alicura hydroelectric dam. The first stage was developed last February with the tenders for the technical specifications and now the economic bidders were known. “This work has to do with one of the many demands of Bariloche over the years, together with the need to diversify the economic matrix and to develop service infrastructure by the State. We were doing all this from the government of Alberto Weretilneck and in this last stage of the Provincial Government and now adding a work with a strong commitment to the Nation. In other words, in this difficult economic and social context, we continue to have a great vision of the future for Bariloche”, stated Carreras. For her part, the Secretary of State for Energy, Andrea Confini, stressed that it is an emblematic work that has the particularity that it was studied by many companies and after the technical analysis there were not a few, which gives high competitiveness. In addition, it will be key to have a backup line that can accompany the growth and development of Bariloche, it really is a beneficial work from whichever way you look at it, for this reason I want to congratulate my colleagues from Transcomahue who have worked tirelessly to be able to arrive on time with everything”, added Confini, who also announced that the term will be 36 months. a transcendental work Currently, the only electricity supply point to the Andean region comes from the Alicurá hydroelectric plant, inaugurated in 1986, which is at the limit of its capacity. The proposed work will substantially improve the situation of the Rio Negro towns of Bariloche, Dina Huapi and Villa La Angostura, on the Neuquén side. U$S 75,800.00 will be invested for the works, through the Trust for Transportation Works for Electricity Supply (FOTAE), for an estimated period of 4 years. The new High Voltage Line (LAT) is a commitment assumed by both provinces, which worked in a coordinated manner to achieve the incorporation of Villa La Angostura to the national interconnected and provide sustainable electricity in sufficient quantity and quality to Bariloche from a second point through the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI). For Bariloche, it is a key work that will allow the use of diesel generation groups with which it currently covers power peaks or as system backup to be abandoned. In this way, the response capacity of the electrical system will be expanded and improved from the point of view of quality and reliability. Meanwhile, Villa La Angostura was asked stop depending on thermal generation, with the environmental benefits that come with abandoning the burning of fossil fuels in that process. In the Rio Negro territory, via the Dina Huapi Transformer Station, the provision of energy to the municipality of Dina Huapi is contemplated at a later stage of this project, in order to respond to the population growth that has been evident for some years. This project is complementary to the works that are completed within the province of Neuquén, from the intersection of national routes No. 231 and No. 40 to Villa La Angostura, where the Province, through EPEN, has executed more than 65 kilometers of lines. The mayor, Gustavo Gennuso; the president of the Neuquén Provincial Energy Entity (EPEN), Francisco Zambón; Deputy Agustín Domingo; legislator Julia Fernández; the mayor of Dina Huapi, Mónica Balseiro; his peer from Pilcaniyeu, Néstor Ayuelef; authorities of INVAP, EDERSA, CEB, and leaders of the business sector of the city. The offers (were divided into three tenders) 1-High Voltage electrical interconnection Lot I: TEL 3: 15,097,944.00 USD Cartellone-Vial Agro: 19,319,903.92 USD Edvsa-Ipe: 23,663,576.84 USD Lot II: TEL 3: 3,765,738.00 USD Cartellone-Vial Agro: 4,854,978.00 USD Edvsa-Ipe: 6,268,583.57 USD Lot III: TEL 3: 6,663,386.89 USD Edvsa-Ipe: 5,335,792.88 USD Lesko Semisa: 7,201,411.21 USD 2- Purchase of a transformer Transelectric tubes: 1,283,600.00 USD Basic Artrans: 666,864.32 USD Alternative Artrans: 1,160,199.32 USD 3- Purchase of equipment *Disconnectors: Hitachi: $103,500.00 Electromechanical Lake: 117,628.00 USD Current transformers 75-150: Hitachi: $35,000.00 AIT: $27,600.00 *Current transformers 300-600: AIT: $31,600.00 *4-core voltage transformers: AIT: $27,600.00 *Voltage transformers 3 cores: AIT: $55,200.00 ALIPIBA II Bariloche Governor Arabela Carreras Villa La Angostura ALIPIBA II- ACQUISITION OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT More Info Print version Type of Work: Machinery and tools Client: TRANSCOMAHUE SA Tender No: 17/2022 Place: Province of Río Negro Source: obrabub |