Work Detail |
Bids for a fundamental work for the area are being evaluated Four companies have applied to build the new high-voltage line between Guaminí and Coronel Suárez. The Province is evaluating the four offers presented in recent days for the execution of a fundamental energy work for four districts in the area, such as the laying of a 132 Kv high voltage line, which will link the new transformer station in Guaminí with the Coronel Suárez ET system. For this, a new overhead line must be built, with its corresponding concrete structures, along 63 kilometers between both points. The official budget exceeds 4,200 million pesos -at the end of last year-, which will be contributed through a loan from the Andean Development Confederation. Of the total amount, it had been established, 30% will be paid by the Province and the remaining 70% will be provided by CAF. The term of the works is 824 calendar days. The project, called New ET Guaminí 132/33/13.2 kv - 2×30/30/20 MVA and Link to the 132 kv System, will improve the energy supply of many towns in the region, including Carhué, Espartillar, Casbas, Laguna Alsina, Pasman, Huanguelén, Puan, Salliqueló and Daireaux. After it was extended a couple of times, four companies presented themselves with the same number of offers, although all of them were far above the official budget for the work. The four offers far exceed the official budget. Even one of them represents more than double. At this time, the offers submitted are being studied by the Ministry of Energy. The first of these corresponded to Tel 3 SAU, which quoted the entire project at 7,923,933,740.04 pesos; the second of the offers was made by Electroingeniería ICS SA, which offered $7,993,560,942.17; The third envelope included the proposal from Eleprint SA, Martínez y De la Fuente SA and UT Guaminí, for $7,323,892,732, while the fourth offer corresponded to Argencobra SA, Servicios de Ingeniería Eléctrica SRL, Nueva ET Guaminí and Unión Transitoria , with $9,363,180,964 pesos. The work will boost electricity in several districts of the region. In addition, the line between Guaminí and Coronel Suárez will prevent demand restrictions from being generated due to voltage regulation problems; to this will be added the incorporation of mobile thermal generation to sustain the energy supply. INTERNATIONAL | NEW PROJECT GUAMINI 132 33 13.2 KV 2X30 30 20 MVA AND LINK TO THE 132KV SYSTEM More Info Print version Opening or Adjudication Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES Tender No: 3/2022 Place: Province of Buenos Aires Opening date: 03/14/2023 at 12:00 PM Official budget: $4,238,825,547.00 Offers submitted ELEPRINT SA – MARTINEZ Y DE LA FUENTE SA (UTE) $ 7,323,892,732.48 TEL 3 SAU $ 7,923,993,740.04 ELECTROENGINEERING ICSSA $ 7,993,560,942.17 ARGENCOBRA SA – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES SRL (UTE) $ 9,363 .180,964.00 |