Work Detail |
The proposed works include the development of an urban storm drainage network and the enhancement, operation and maintenance of pumping stations. The works benefit more than 95,000 inhabitants of the region The Buenos Aires Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services, through the Undersecretary of Water Resources, carried out the tender for the works that are part of the Hydraulic Plan of the Province of Buenos Aires Aires on the management of water surpluses: Rain drains in the Maldonado stream basin - Jardín 1 and 2 neighborhood for the district of La Plata, which has an official budget of $439,657,130 and received 6 offers, and Operation and maintenance of pumping stations for Berisso, which has an investment of $884,494,561 and had 3 offers. The works proposed in La Plata seek to develop an urban storm drainage network in the basins called Barrio Jardín 1 and Barrio Jardín 2, belonging to the Maldonado stream basin. The area to be drained at this stage is 100 hectares, benefiting a population of more than 5,500 inhabitants. In total, more than 2,600 meters of pipelines will be executed. For its part, in Berisso the work includes the enhancement and subsequent operation and maintenance of the Génova, Watzenborn and Barrio Universitario pumping stations, together with the operation and maintenance of the six pumping stations of the coastal defense embankment. Through these works, more than 90 thousand neighbors will benefit. In this regard, the Undersecretary of Water Resources, Guillermo Jelinski, indicated: For the city of Berisso, the work that we tendered will prevent flooding and protect the city from possible floods and with respect to the tender for the city of La Plata , he maintained: these are very important jobs for Villa Elvira and the entire area of ??Arroyo Maldonado that suffered part of the citys floods in 2013 and in this way we continue working on the execution of the Master Plan that continues to be developed in the district . For her part, the Provincial Deputy of the Frente de Todos, Lucia Iañez, stated: “In the case of the city of La Plata, the comprehensive water plan launched by our Governor Axel Kicillof was necessary to improve the lives of the platenses”. Meanwhile, Ariel Archanco, Provincial Deputy of the Frente de Todos, said that Once again the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires that allows bidding for this type of works that benefit the city of La Plata that in total add up to more than 60 that They benefit the residents of the town. Present at the event were: The Provincial Director of Hydraulics, Flavio Seiano; the Secretary of Works of Berisso, Ricardo Dittler and the Undersecretary of Institutional Transparency of the Ministry of Justice, Ana Laura Ramos. RAIN DRAINAGE IN THE BASIN OF THE MALDONADO STREAM, JARDIN 1 AND 2 LA PLATA NEIGHBORHOOD Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES Place: Province of Buenos Aires Publication date: 03/13/2023 Official budget: $439,657,130.00 Bids submitted TREXCIN CONSTRUCCIONES SA $ 721,143,406.52 BYMO SA $ 747,407,255.00 ILUBAIRES SA $ 749,979,941.88 BRIALES SA $ 813,464,391.67 LFR CONSTRUCTORA VIAL SA – ALESTE SA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (UTE) $ 830,421,621 52 USIMIX SRL $ 994,040,166.64 PASO CONSTRUCCIONES SRL |