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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 38584

Procurement News Notice

PNN 38584
Work Detail With a budget of more than 8,000,000,000 pesos, the provincial government takes the first step to reconvert an artery with a great demographic and economic boost This Tuesday the economic offers for the bidding for the construction of the second stage of Jorge Newbery Avenue, in the northwest of Rosario, will be announced. The purpose of the work is to achieve greater connectivity in the east-west direction of the city, provide another option to get to the airport or the racetrack, and will serve as another connection for cities such as Funes and Roldan. The official budget is $8,503,013,584.14 and has an execution period of 24 months. At the ceremony, the mayor of Rosario, Pablo Javkin said: It is a fundamental work in the relationship between Rosario, Funes and the airport. And it will allow both Funes and Rosario to advance and concretize various investments that are located in the area and that were approved. And above all, it unites within the section of Rosario what we understand will be the most important development area from the urbanization tasks of Nuevo Alberdi, and what has to do with the connection and access to services of many of the neighborhoods, from the Hostel, to the works that complement September 7, to all the development of the area that arrives at the airport. Also, it will complement the first section, which had been done up to Wilde street”. The second stage of the construction of Jorge Newbery avenue connects with the first, completed at the beginning of 2022, until reaching the roundabout located in front of the Islas Malvinas International Airport, in a length of 4,420 meters, between González del Solar street and avenue Real. For his part, the governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti mentioned: “It is an avenue that accompanies the development of an entire city and the entire region. To add a communication channel that improves connectivity, not only to the airport, but also to all the neighborhoods, which have grown a lot throughout the region, giving it another format and another quality for travel. Undoubtedly, it is a very important artery for Rosario, in communication with Funes, and it is complemented by other investments that will enhance the region. There is not only a need to link, but also to accompany the development of the entire region”. The project plans to transform the existing road into an avenue, whose roads are separated by a central flowerbed. The works contemplate the duplication of the current bridge over the Ludueña stream. Complementary tasks include drainage works, LED lighting, traffic lights, horizontal and vertical signage, landscaping and vehicular access, among others. THE OFFERS >> The first offer was from the company Rovial SA, which quoted the works at $10,350,189,570. >> The second, from the firm Obring SA, was appraised at $10,235,572,859. >> The third offer was made by the joint venture made up of Edeca SA–Rava SA–Laromet SA, for $9,896,082,925. >> The fourth was from Néstor Julio Guerecchet SA, who priced the work at $11,070,725,307. >> And the fifth and last offer corresponded to the company Ángel Boscarino Construcciones SA, for $11,030,922,684. The first stage included the demolition of the existing 7.5-meter-wide track and the construction of two 9.2-meter-wide concrete roads, with a central separator flowerbed and the construction of sidewalks, curbs, and a bicycle lane. . The section executed was 1,300 meters between the Rosario Beltway and Wilde Street.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 02 Feb 2023

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