Work Detail |
In this 2023, the development of drinking water and sewage works continues throughout the province. The aqueducts in Gran San Juan and Iglesia stand out; the expansion of the water and sewage network in Caucete, as well as collection networks in Capital, Rivadavia, Rawson and Pocito. SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2023 07:00 WRITTEN BY OSSE In 2023, the development of drinking water and sewage works continues throughout the province . OSSE continues with the execution of a Master Plan for Drinking Water and Sanitation that began in 2020, with the objective of covering the demand of the San Juan population projected in the next 50 years. Currently, 13 large-scale works are being carried out in different parts of the province, of which three are for drinking water, and in addition to the mega work Aqueducto Gran Tulum with its respective aqueducts and the Punta Negra Water Treatment Plant; In addition, nine sewage works are being worked on at the same time. The drinking water works will benefit approximately 35,800 San Juan residents; while the mega work Gran Tulum Aqueduct is being built for a future population of more than one million inhabitants in San Juan. While the nine sewer works that are being worked will benefit more than 100,797 San Juan residents. Drinking water works in progress 1. ALBARDÓN Work: ACUEDUCTO ALTO ALBARDÓN Its objective is to improve the drinking water service throughout the department, taking the fluid from the lower area of ??the bridge to Alto Albardón, Industrial Park, Campo Afuera, racetrack, future hotel and surrounding areas. Benefited population: 30,000 inhabitants. Work progress: 96% Financing: Provincial funds Contractor company: Hormigones de Cuyo SA. 2. CHURCH Project: EL TAMBILLO AQUEDUCT The purpose of the project is to provide drinking water service to the towns of El Tambillo, Bella Vista, Villa Iglesia, Las Flores, Pismanta, Tudcum and Rodeo Colola. Benefited population: 4,500 inhabitants. Work progress: 97% Financing: Water Resources Contractor company: UTE Cicon – Minoro 3. CAUCETE Work: RENOVATION AND EXPANSION OF THE DRINKING WATER NETWORK IN THE FELIPE COBAS AND DIAGONAL NEIGHBORHOOD The purpose of the work is to renew the drinking water distribution network in order to optimize the supply of the service to residents of the Felipe Cobas Neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods; as well as areas surrounding the Diagonal. Benefited population: 1,300 inhabitants. Work progress: 66.40% Financing: provincial funds. Contractor company: Senda SRL 4. GRAN SAN JUAN Work: RENOVATION AND EXPANSION OF THE DRINKING WATER NETWORK FELIPE COBAS AND DIAGONAL NEIGHBORHOOD This mega work aims to ensure the supply of drinking water to a future population of more than one million inhabitants, reinforcing and optimizing the service in Greater San Juan, and supplying new populations such as Zonda and Ullum. The AGT contemplates the works of the following pipelines: Punta Negra Water Treatment Plant Ullum Aqueduct Gran San Juan Aqueduct 1 Gran San Juan Aqueduct 2 Marquesado Aqueduct Rawson Pocito Aqueduct (Completed) La Bebida Norte (Completed) Dr. Ortega Aqueduct Sierras Azules Aqueduct Zonda Aqueduct Gran Tulum Aqueduct 1 Gran Tulum Aqueduct 2 Gran Tulum Aqueduct 3 La Bebid Aqueduct South JI de la Roza Aqueduct (Completed) EPM Aqueduct South Aqueduct 01 (Completed) South Aqueduct 2 (Completed) Republic of Lebanon Aqueduct (Completed) Sewer collector, as a complementary work Population benefited: 1,000,000 inhabitants. Work progress: 45.05% Financing: National Water Resources; Province, OFID, Kuwait-. Contractor company: UTE Benito Roggio e Hijos SA (51%), Mapal SACIA (34%), Sigma SA (15%). Sewer works in progress 1. CAPITAL / RIVADAVIA Work: “REDES COLECTORAS BARRIOS MUNICIPAL, BANCARIO, LOS CEIBOS, FOEVA Y OTROS” The objective of the work is to provide the sanitation system to neighborhoods such as: Municipal, Banking, Professional, Foro De Abogados, Los Álamos, Jardín, Natania Residencial, Los Olivos, Nuevo Del Bono, El Ceibo, Foeva, Villa Flora, among others. Likewise, the beneficiary area has in its urban nucleus some public buildings that provide service to the entire sector such as the Mercedario School, the Nuestra Señora de la Medalla Milagrosa School, the Banking Neighborhood Social and Sports Club, the CENS Rivadavia Educational Establishment, the Mercedario Elementary Initial Education, Barrio Rivadavia Club and police establishment, shopping centers, medical care clinics, among others. Benefited population: 10,000 inhabitants. Work progress: 67.02% Financing: National Entity for Water Sanitation Works -ENHOSA-. Contractor company: Joint Venture made up of FOJO – Redes Com SRL. 2. CAUCETE Work: “RENOVATION OF THE CLOACAL NETWORK OF THE CAUCETE SEWER DRAINAGE SYSTEM” The purpose of the work is to optimize and, in other cases, provide the sewage service to the residents of the main town of Caucete for the first time; improving the quality of life of one hundred percent of the inhabitants of the place. Benefited population: 37,797 inhabitants. Work progress: 85.15% Financing: Provincial Funds. Contractor company: Senda SRL 3. RAWSON Project : “SECTOR A: EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CERRILLO BARBOZA SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT” Its objective is to expand the capacity of the “Cerrillo Barboza” Sewage Treatment Plant. This facility was inaugurated in 2009 and is designed to purify liquids from Greater San Juan, using the Facultative Lagoons method. In order to treat the new projected flow, it will be expanded by building a new Series of Facultative Lagoons (bearing in mind that each series is made up of three lagoons: a Primary; a Secondary and a Tertiary). In addition, the installation of a new pumping station, adduction channel and Parschall gauge is contemplated, among other civil works. Benefited population: 40,000 inhabitants. (includes sectors B, C, D, E and F) Work progress: 61.15% Financing: national funds, coming from the National Entity of Water Works and Sanitation -ENOHSA-, a body dependent on the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation. Contractor company: MAPAL SACIA 2023-01-20 OSSE-In this 2023 OSSE continues with the development of drinking water and sewage works throughout the province (16) 4. POCITO Work: SECTOR B: INSTALLATION OF THE MÉDANO COLLECTOR AND CONSTRUCTION OF PARTITIONING CHAMBERS The work contemplates the installation of a network of new collector networks that will be connected to existing main collectors; those that currently discharge into the sewage treatment plant –PTLC- Cerrillo Barboza. Population benefited: included in Sector A. Construction progress: 41.80% Financing: ENOHSA Contractor company: CONSTRUCCIONES IVICA and A. DUMNDZIC SA – MINERA ZLATO SA 5. RAWSON Work: “SECTOR “C”: RAWSON NORTHWEST COLLECTION NETWORKS – ZONE 1” The work contemplates the installation of a framework of new collection networks that will be connected to existing main collectors; those that currently discharge into the Sewage Treatment Plant -PTLC- Cerrillo Barboza. Population benefited: included in Sector A. Work progress: 61.89% Financing: ENOHSA Contractor company: FEDERICO HERMANOS SA 6. POCITO Work: “SECTOR “D”: POCITO NORTE COLLECTOR NETWORKS” The work contemplates the installation of a framework of new collector networks that will be connected to existing main collectors; those that currently discharge into the Sewage Treatment Plant -PTLC- Cerrillo Barboza. Population benefited: included in Sector A. Work progress: 51.07% Financing: ENOHSA Contractor company: ING. JULIO NACUSI CONSTRUCTIONS SRL 2023-01-20 OSSE-In this 2023 OSSE continues with the development of potable water and sewage works throughout the province (24) 7. RIVADAVIIA Work: “SECTOR “E”: SOUTHEAST RIVADAVIA COLLECTOR NETWORKS”” The work contemplates the installation of a network of new collector networks that will be connected to existing main collectors; those that currently discharge into the sewage treatment plant –PTLC- Cerrillo Barboza. This sector is comprised of the following area: to the north by José Ignacio de la Roza Av., to the east by Hipólito Irigoyen Av., to the west by Calle Rastreador Calivar and to the south by Calle República del Líbano. The most prominent neighborhoods involved in this work are: Olivares de Natania, Los Piuquenes, CESAP, Casa Fácil and Caja Médicos Odontólogos. In addition, in this area there are some public buildings that provide service to the entire sector: schools, care and community centers, sports clubs, canteens, etc. Population benefited: included in Sector A. Work progress: 75.47% Financing: ENOHSA Contractor company: SIGMA SA 8. RAWSON Work: “SECTOR “F”: RAWSON NORTHWEST COLLECTION NETWORKS – ZONE 2” The work contemplates the installation of a framework of new collection networks that will be connected to existing main collectors; those that currently discharge into the sewage treatment plant –PTLC- Cerrillo Barboza. This sector is comprised of the following area: República del Líbano street to the north, PA de Sarmiento avenue to the east, Hipólito Irigoyen street to the west and Dr. Ortega to the south. The most prominent neighborhoods involved in this work are: SUTIAGYF, SOEVA, Pablo Rojas, Las Garzas, M. Güemes, Hualilán Sur, Hualilán I and II, UDAP, Ampliación 23 de Mayo, Villa Angélica, Villa Arce, Lote Hogar Nº22, Cruz del Sur, 12 de Diciembre, Viñedos del Sur and 23 de Mayo. In addition, in this area there are some public buildings that provide service to the entire sector: schools, care and community centers, sports clubs, canteens, etc. Population benefited: included in Sector A. Work progress: 97.77% Financing: ENOHSA Contractor company: SUC. OSCAR MENIN – ENG. CESAR BORREGO SRL – BILBAO CONSTRUCTIONS SRL 9. RIVADAVIA Project: “SOUTHEAST COLLECTOR AND COLLECTION NETWORKS VILLA SEMINARIO BARRIO MEGLIOLI CAMUS NATANIA XV AND OTHERS”” The objective of the project is to provide service to the following neighborhoods in Rivadavia: Camus, CGT, 20 De Noviembre, Natania XVII, Natania XV , Turf, Loteo Frau, Villas Seminario, Doncel, Barrios Meglioli, Fortabat, Cooperarq V. Public buildings that provide service to the entire sector will also benefit: Rivadavia municipality; The School Ing. Mosconi”, the “Santísimo Sacramento” School, Section No. 13 of the San Juan Police, “Antártida Argentina” School, health and vaccination post, Sporting Rugby Club “Los Alfiles”, among others., among others. Benefited population: 13,000 inhabitants. Work progress: 87.56% Financing: ENOHSA Contractor company: Federico Hnos. Last modified on Friday, 20 January 2023 20:29 OSSE OSSE More in this category: « They will carry out repair work on the home connection and sewage collector in Capital |