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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 38296

Procurement News Notice

PNN 38296
Work Detail Aqueduct to Pico: Chinese firm and two nationals offered At the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation, the opening of the envelopes with the three for the execution of the second stage of the Colorado River Aqueduct that will link Santa Rosa with General Pico was carried out and intermediate locations. The companies that made their offers to carry out the work were: CPC SA, with a price of $34,989,810,037.49; Centro Construcciones SA, which quoted $36,995,581,752.16; and Powerchina Limitada, a branch of a foreign company, which priced the work at $38,735,368,926.80. Governor Sergio Ziliotto participated in the opening of envelopes via Zoom, accompanied by the mayors of Winifreda, Adriana García; by Eduardo Castex, Monica Curutchet; from Monte Nievas, Victor Wilberger; of Metileo Juan Carlos Pavón and of and General Pico, Fernanda Alonso. These localities will be direct beneficiaries of this work in which almost 30 billion pesos will be invested, according to the official budget. Also present were the Secretary of Water Resources, Néstor Lastiri; and the Undersecretary of Public Works of La Pampa, Rubén Intronati. From the headquarters of the national portfolio were: Carlos Rodríguez, Secretary of Public Works; Liliana Velmonte, General Director of Administration; Fernando Zarate, Undersecretary of Water Projects; Mario Adolfo Gschaider, director of Hydraulic Works; and Gastón Rodríguez from the Purchasing Department. Historical and expected. The governor described the work as historic and long-awaited and recalled that the program of needs for its execution was put together in 2006, before the current first section of the Colorado River Aqueduct from the intake in Pichi began to operate. Mahuida to Santa Rosa». Today is really a very important day for the province of La Pampa, but especially for our northern zone, where we need a source of drinking water supply that complements the current supply through the aquifers that, we know, are a finite resource that cannot keep up with population growth, he said. Along these lines, he especially valued that by guaranteeing the supply of quality drinking water and in quantity, these five towns will respond to the growth they may have in the next 30 years. Currently, these towns are supplied with groundwater, with high concentrations of fluoride and arsenic, so the execution of the aqueduct will contribute to eradicate diseases such as dental fluorosis and osteopetrosis, among other related ones. Important investment. The main pipeline between Santa Rosa and General Pico, which will have 140 kilometers, with pipe diameters ranging between 700 and 900 mm., has an official budget, calculated as of December 2022, of $29,519,492,647, and an execution period of 750 days. Complementary works to the north of Santa Rosa and derivations to future secondary aqueducts are also contemplated. In Eduardo Castex, a reserve cistern of 5,000 cubic meters and derivations will be built in Winifreda, Monte Nievas, Metileo and General Pico, each with its cistern and chlorination station. In Pichi Mahuida, the water treatment plant will be adapted and the telecommunications, automatic remote control and remote control system will be readjusted. COLORADO RIVER AQUEDUCT AND COMPLEMENTARY WORKS NORTH OF SANTA ROSA – LA PAMPA Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: Ministry of Public Works Tender No: 501-0028-LPU22 Place: Province of La Pampa Opening date: 01/20/2023 at 12:00 PM Official budget: $16,638,282,447.34 Full text of the announcement Ministry of Public Works Public Bid 501-0028-LPU22 COLORADO RIVER AQUEDUCT AND COMPLEMENTARY WORKS NORTH OF SANTA ROSA – LA PAMPA Opening Date: 01/20/2023 12:00 Hrs. See additional information to this announcement on the official website. Posted on: 10/24/2022 Bids submitted CPC SA $ 34,989,810,037.49 CENTRO CONSTRUCCIONES SA $ 36,995,581,752.16 POWERCHINA LTD BRANCH OF A FOREIGN COMPANY $ 38,735,368,926.80
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Engineering
Entry Date 24 Jan 2023

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