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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 38251

Procurement News Notice

PNN 38251
Work Detail The work will benefit more than 1500 inhabitants. The execution period is 9 months and the updated provincial investment exceeds $170 million. The work will benefit more than 1500 inhabitants. The execution period is 9 months and the updated provincial investment exceeds $170 million. The Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Services and Habitat, through the Secretariat of Water Resources, opened the envelopes with the economic offers for the construction of urban drainage in the town of Bustinza, Iriondo department. The proposal is the design of a surface water conduction system through a route defined by Uruguay street to 25 de Mayo avenue and then by the road ditches (of natural roadway) Camino de la Posta avenue, to the west ditch of Provincial Route 91, which in turn leads the waters to the Totoras Canal. The bidding act was headed by the secretary of Water Resources, Roberto Gioria, and the communal president of Bustinza, Fabián Ballori. In this regard, Gioria explained that “this is a fundamental work for the town, because in the event of moderate or severe rains, it will prevent the urban area from flooding. The work today has an official budget of approximately 120 million pesos, but it is a budget from 5 months ago, therefore, the re-determined amount would be around 170 million pesos” For his part, Ballori expressed that it is a fundamental and very important work for Bustinza, not only for the amount but also, for how a work of these characteristics has an impact on a small town in relation to water management. THE OFFERS For the execution of the works, which have an official budget of $119,343,921.88, and an execution period of 9 months, 9 offers were presented. The first was from the firm Brumont SA, which quoted $212,092,076.45; Resicom Ing Ambiental SRL, $167,880,992.20; MEM Engineering SA, $229,600,540.02; Winkelmann SRL, $160,702,356.87; Engineering and Services Delgado SA, $167,822,094.99; Conylog SRL, $149,181,459.83; Pibeco SA, $215,417,108.91; Pozzi Rodolfo Luis, $168,709,223.51; and Ingeniería y Pilotes SRL, $208,069,573.60. THE WORK The intervention proposed to improve the drainage condition consists of cleaning the gutters on Centenario avenue (main access to Bustinza), on Uruguay street, rectangular section concrete sewers are planned on both sides, with a circulation slab at the height of the vehicular and home accesses, cross culverts at the corners along the four (4) blocks of Uruguay street. On Calle 25 de Mayo, the proposal is the cleaning, rectification and accommodation of culverts on the west ditch and the rectification of the east ditch in order to improve hydraulic capacity and to stabilize the east side against the existing trees. On the secondary access to Bustinza, a new crossing and a rectification of both ditches up to the western ditch of RP 91 is proposed. SYSTEMATIZATION OF RAIN DRAINS CALLE ARROYO GRANDE 2DA. STAGE – SAN SALVADOR – SAN SALVADOR DEPARTMENT Opening or Adjudication Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: HYDRAULIC DEPARTMENT Tender No: 01/2022 Location: Province of Entre Ríos Opening date: 04/22/2022 at 11:00 AM Official budget: $53,194,717.75
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Engineering
Entry Date 21 Jan 2023

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