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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 38005

Procurement News Notice

PNN 38005
Work Detail Home Communication Agency Opening of bidding envelopes for alteo and ditches on rural roads The public act of opening the envelopes of bidders for the rental of road equipment to carry out the raising and construction of a ditch on road 78-2-12, kilometer 335 was held at the Tenders Directorate of the Municipality of Olavarría. It was headed by the director of Tenders Pilar Ciardelli and on the occasion two offers were presented: Bidder No. 1: Producciones Industriales SA, which quoted the sum of $55,618,700 pesos. Bidder No. 2: Sacchi Rubén Horacio, who quoted the sum of $44,618,877 pesos. The purpose of the tender is to advance in the process of improving the quality of life of the rural community and, at the same time, to improve the traffic conditions on the mentioned road. For this reason, the rental of a caterpillar hydraulic excavator, self-propelled compactor, tatú type truck or punt, sprinkler truck and motor grader is foreseen. The work will have as a final result the improvement of the trace and the runoff of the water. For this, the ditches and elevation of the road will be made with a contribution of material, improving the support value in the sections that require it. The Road to intervene will be Road 78-2-12 (km 335) in a length of 10 km. The tasks will be coordinated with staff from the Rural Roads Directorate.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 13 Jan 2023

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