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Professors from the National University of Colombia (UNAL) in La Paz have joined forces to design a project that works on the multiple use of land, called Bio-Agro-Energético, for which they propose to assemble the production of photovoltaic energy and the activities agriculture in the Caribbean region, in the north of the country. The project is committed, as stated, to the multiple use of land in the Colombian Caribbean, an area of ??high solar radiation, in which agricultural activities are the main livelihood of the communities that live there, which are also far from the power line. This is a multidisciplinary research project at the UNAL Headquarters in La Paz, in which 18 teachers from the academic programs of Geography, Cultural and Communication Management, Statistics, Biology, and Biological and Mechatronics Engineering participate. According to a communication from the house of studies, Professor Diego Camilo Durán García, of Biological Engineering at the UNAL Headquarters in La Paz, described that the multiple use of land by the bio-agro-energy systems proposed in this initiative will allow generating new products from the development of bioprocesses that use photovoltaic energy, including functionalized nectars, essential oils, extracts and bio-inputs, as well as services (energy connectivity) with added value that promote the sustainable use of biodiversity and a fair energy transition. For his part, mechatronic engineer Leonardo Velasco explained: What we seek is to mix the production of clean energy through photovoltaic panels, and at the same time use that land to produce food and items with added value. “One of the biggest challenges of this project is that although these technologies already exist in other countries, very little is known in Colombia about the types of crops that should be used for configurations with solar panels, so the main goal will be to investigate which productive arrangements will be the most favorable in the region”, he added. |