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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 37292

Procurement News Notice

PNN 37292
Work Detail They tendered the sanitation work in the Canal Sur, in the area of ??the La Cañada neighborhood It is the continuity of the Ben Hur section. In addition, two streets will be opened that connect both sectors of the neighborhood. The envelopes of the public tender for the second stage of the hydraulic work of Canal Sur, between Dimas Mateos and Francisco Beltramino streets, were opened. Likewise, works will be carried out on the secondary channel, in the extension of Intendente Giménez streets, between Remedios de Escalada and Fader. In our city, there are four works to adapt to climate change: the tubing of Tucumán street, the South Canal in the Ben Hur section, the delay lagoon in the future Regional Park and this one, explained Mayor Luis Castellano. Subsequently, he remarked that “they are drainage works, works that will allow them to face the periods of heavy rains with greater tranquility. In addition, they will help to continue caring for the environment.” FIVE COMPANIES To the call to present offers, there were five companies that approached their budgets with the respective surety insurance. The work managed by the Municipality of Rafaela will be carried out with funds from the Government of the Province of Santa Fe. The original official budget was $597,293,680.28 (based on June 2022), but it was updated to $750 million. First, the firm Ingeniería y Pilotes SRL – Conhormaq Rafaela UT, offered for all the works an amount of $1,079,027,379.46. While Pilatti SA submitted a budget for $863,173,912.66. They tendered the sanitation work in the Canal Sur, in the La Cañada neighborhood area They tendered the sanitation work in the Canal Sur, in the La Cañada neighborhood area Photo: Rafaela Municipality Press The third envelope that was opened corresponded to MEM Ingeniería SA for an amount of $1,165,000,998.36. For his part, Romano Cesar Atilio listed $845,420,950.65 and Pirámide Constructora SA $1,200,025,836.71. It is worth noting that, by current legislation, it is authorized to sign contracts up to 20% above the official budget (it would be about $900 million). This implies that both Pilatti and Romano are still in the race, despite being above estimates. URBAN TRANSFORMATION “In La Cañada we are going to realize that we are producing a process of urban transformation. A sustainable city, which first has to solve the issue of its drainage and then, on top of that, urban development”, explained the Mayor. The projected works include the realization of 705 meters lined with a U section and in two sectors it will be closed box type 6 meters wide and 2.90 high. In addition, a work is proposed on the secondary channel (Intendente Giménez) with a length of 165. The importance of this work lies in the fact that it will bring direct benefits to prevent the advance of the erosion of the slopes, it will allow the hydraulic improvement of runoff and the road connection between the two sides of the canal through Intendente Giménez street, incorporating a new crossing over Melvin Jones. WORK AND MANAGEMENT The Secretary of Public Works and Services, Bárbara Chivallero, explained that we had been working and managing for a long time along with other works such as the tubing of Tucumán street, the coating of the Canal Sur, all elaborated in terms of the development of the project together with the municipal teams and the provincial government”. The first two works are in the completion stage and now we are advancing with this new section that is very good for the neighborhood, for the sector and for the city, said the local official. In his turn, the Provincial Secretary of Companies and Public Services, Carlos Maina, former Secretary of Public Works of the Municipality, maintained that many times the municipality alone and now with the support of the provincial government carry out all the necessary urban interventions to complement what it had already been done. “We are facing a great event that continues to transform the city. It is about capturing what were words a couple of years ago when the management began and they came to see the piping of the South Canal in a first stage in the Ben Hur club area”, added Senator Alcides Calvo. THE REALITY OF WHAT WAS DONE At the same level, the provincial legislator explained that “later we came to this sector of the La Cañada neighborhood with the Governor and the Mayor. Everything seemed like a dream and today it begins to come true. Finally, the neighborhood president Néstor Barreda thanked the local, provincial and national governments for this novelty that will be very welcome for the neighborhood, since it will serve to clean up the channel that is suffering a process of collapse. In addition, he maintained that this “will allow communication between the two parts of the neighborhood through the future street that is going to be built. As neighbors we are very grateful for everything that is being done and the improvements are noticeable in our neighborhood and throughout our city”. SOUTH RAFAELA CHANNEL CASING – SECTION Bº LA CAÑADA – LOCATION OF RAFAELA – CASTELLANOS DEPARTMENT Type of Work: Engineering Works Client: Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Services and Habitat Place: Province of Santa Fe Opening date: 12/16/2022 at 09:00 AM Official budget: $597,293,680.28 you Offers presented Atilio quoted $845,420,950.65 Pilatti SA presented a budget for $863,173,912.66 Engineering and Piles SRL – Conhormaq Rafaela UT, $1,079,027,379.46 . MEM Engineering SA $1,165,000,998.36 Piramide Constructora SA $1,200,025,836.71. Posted on: 12/19/2022 More information at Source:
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Engineering
Entry Date 20 Dec 2022

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