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United States Procurement News Notice - 371

Procurement News Notice

PNN 371
Work Detail A plan for a new playground celebrating the life of a local youth is on hold. The project honouring the late Jacob Noble has run into challenges as city staff and a U.S.-based foundation work through the logistics of establishing a playground at Couchiching Beach. “Playground design/installation, the availability of services in kind and fundraising support between the United States and Canada is quite different and has prompted several setbacks leading to the decision by the foundation to postpone the playground installation and move its locations,” said John Bryant, manager of park planning and development. “The preferred location is now Homewood Park.” The project is being spearheaded by the ‘Where Angels Play Foundation’, a New Jersey-based charity founded by a retired fire captain. The foundation previously constructed 26 playgrounds in memory of 20 children and six staff who were gunned down at Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. The local project was proposed in recognition of Canadian volunteers who assisted with the playground builds south of the border, including Orillia’s Mark Goode, a volunteer fire fighter at the time. The charitable foundation said it would raise approximately $120,000 for playground equipment during its initial presentation to Orillia council. According to Bryant, the non-profit group “will continue to fundraise for the playground and is still seeking funding assistance to move forward with the project.” The foundation will also work with its designer to ensure the playground meets Canadian standards, including accessibility regulations. Staff will seek funding during the 2017 capital budget for features that complement the playground proposed for Homewood Park, including landscaping and walkway connections. In the meantime, the city will proceed with the replacement of playground equipment that was removed from the Couchiching Beach area several years ago, Bryant said. Work is scheduled to begin on that project this fall. Bryant said the foundation remains committed to building a second playground honoring the late Adam Davenport at the site of Orillia’s recreation facility on West Street South.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 02 Sep 2016

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