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United States Procurement News Notice - 3679

Procurement News Notice

PNN 3679
Work Detail The scheduled closure of Route 27 this weekend for the installation of a temporary bridge has been postponed until further notice, the state Department of Transportation announced Friday afternoon. NJDOT''s contractor, Montana Construction Corp., will close and detour Route 27 at a later date to install a temporary bridge at Carter''s Brook for the start of the culvert replacement work, the NJDOT said. The temporary bridge will be constructed adjacent to Route 27 and is expected to remain in place for approximately three months, the NJDOT said. Beginning at 9 p.m., Route 27, between Route 518 and Promenade Boulevard, was scheduled to be shut down in both directions. The temporary bridge is going to be installed using federal funds by the New Jersey Department of Transportation ahead of a scheduled drainage project to begin in September, authorities have said. $1M bridge project gets OK despite roadwork shutdown Because this is a federally-funded project, the project is not part of the shutdown of rail, road and bridge work being paid out of the dwindling Transportation Trust Fund. Earlier this summer, the governor ordered a halt to many state projects paid for out of the fund, including the replacement of the Route 518 bridge over the Delaware and Raritan Canal, in order to conserve what money was left.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 03 Sep 2016

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