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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 36731

Procurement News Notice

PNN 36731
Work Detail This town is getting closer to having the most anticipated and desired work in recent decades by the communal authorities and the neighbors. This is the sewage network, which will be financed by the national government. In a new step towards bidding for the works, the provinces Undersecretary for the Environment called a public hearing for the projects environmental impact assessment on October 19. Mayor Ricardo Delfino reiterated that the town has a sewer service it is a dream that the authorities and the residents have had for many years. He highlighted the articulation between the Municipality, Province and Nation for the realization of this work, which he considered fundamental and the most important in recent decades because it will improve the quality of life of the neighbors and will also help care for the environment. The communal chief recalled that, although he was not on the government platform, at the beginning of 2020 he took steps with the National Ministry of Public Works, knowing that it was a very difficult work to achieve, but thanks to the good predisposition of the officials had the approval, today we have the project and the work is very close to being put out to tender». He thanked the Minister (of the Nation) Gabriel Katopodis and Néstor Alvarez, from Enohsa, and the Pampas Government, particularly Sergio Ziliotto, for taking care of the needs that we mayors have. On the advances for the beginning of the works, Delfino explained that the municipality already has the project (which was financed by the Nation). The public hearing will be held soon to assess the environmental impact; The purchase (with funds from the Province) of ten hectares in the vicinity of Meridiano V, to the east of the town, where the sewage treatment plant will be built, is also expected. After the environmental impact study, Nation will have to call for tenders for the integral works of the sewage system, which will be financed with funds from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Public audience. The provinces Undersecretary for the Environment called a public hearing for Wednesday, October 19, at 10 a.m., at the local House of Culture, in order to discuss the sewage sanitation project and the new treatment plant for Catriló. Interested parties were informed that the reference file is available for consultation at the headquarters of this Undersecretary of the Environment, Avenida Pedro Luro 700 in Santa Rosa, on business days, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and on the website of the Undersecretary of Environment. Ambient. Meanwhile, for those who want to participate in the face-to-face hearing, they must register up to one day in advance, in the registration form created for this purpose on the official page ( Details of the work. The project consists of sewage sanitation and the construction of a new treatment plant. The affected surface includes the urban plant, the sector of the future facilities of the effluent pumping station, the linear sector where the driving channel will be built and the effluent treatment pools. This will be through stabilization ponds, especially considering the favorable heliophany, the low cost of land and the limitations in terms of availability of electrical energy. The treated, chlorinated and disinfected effluent will be dumped into an open channel. The effluent plant includes an on-site laboratory area. The sewage effluent treatment plant is diagrammed as a two-stage process. The first consists of a system of stabilization ponds made up of two trains of ponds in series: the first facultative and the next maturation. Each lagoon train will have the capacity to treat 50% of the total demand. In the final stage, the final disinfection will be carried out before discharge to the receiving body. The site of the Pumping Station will transfer the effluents to the future treatment plant through a discharge pipe. The collector will be simple and will generally be located two meters below the axis of the street when it is dirt. In the case of paved streets, double laying will be carried out for each sidewalk, as far as possible in the vicinity of the gutter, except in those where the width of the sidewalks or the existing elements (trees, poles and others) do not allow the laying of the pipe, for which a simple laying on the asphalt of the side with more connections will be adopted. When the pipes of the collection network are installed, the branches for the connection of the home connection work will be left in place in the number and location set.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 26 Sep 2022

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