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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 36481

Procurement News Notice

PNN 36481
Work Detail It is about the construction of a new building of 2738 square meters with an execution period of 600 consecutive days. This morning the bid opening ceremony was held for the first stage of the new building of Detention Unit No. 11 (U11) located in the Centenario ejido. The only offer corresponded to the company Dinale SA, for an amount of 1,273 million pesos. The Secretary of Security, Marianina Dominguez; the undersecretary of Public Works, Roberto Deza; the Undersecretary of Security, Lucas Gómez, and the Provincial Director of Penitentiary Affairs and Policies, Miguel Garretón. On behalf of the General Secretariat and Public Services, the Infrastructure and Maintenance coordinator, Christian Diorio; from the Provincial Directorate of Architecture, Daniel Parra, Karla Reyna and Moyra Rousiot; the Government Notary General, Ana Sandoval, among other authorities. From the Undersecretary of Public Works they indicated that the work is projected in the Provincial Five-Year Plan, and in the agenda of the governor Omar Gutiérrez, who comes to respond to a better quality of life for the people of Neuquén, in this case in the Security sector. For his part, Dominguez emphasized that for us this is a historical fact, we have been waiting for it for many years, because it is a necessary work for the population in a confinement context that lives in this Penitentiary Unit that is an emblem in our province. In parallel, he valued teamwork with the different provincial agencies involved, such as the Police and the Public Services area. About the work The intervention will take place in the U11, located in Centenario. It will consist of two pavilions for maximum security and education, a machine room, a sector for the education pavilion, eight sentry boxes, walls and security fences. The pavilions will function independently of the existing buildings within the property. The link between the pavilions will be given by a perimeter circulation ring. The pavilion will have capacity for 26 detainees, and will be divided into a ground floor, an upper floor, a technical floor, a machine room and sentry boxes; while the construction system will be reinforced concrete, masonry and partitions, finishes, roofs, carpentry, among others. Similarly, the installation of water, electricity, sewage, heating, gas and emergency works will be carried out.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 29 Aug 2022

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