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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 36415

Procurement News Notice

PNN 36415
Work Detail The opening of the envelopes of the two calls that contemplate the execution of the 300 new sustainable homes in the Las Playas neighborhood took place. The housing project is financed by the national government. In an act that was headed by the mayor Martín Gill, the proposals of the bidders in each bidding process were announced, after the public calls 06/2022 and 07/2022, managed by the Municipal Housing Institute (IMV). At the beginning of the act, the local president remarked that the houses will be built under sustainability criteria, along with certain parameters that will allow the use of spaces, as well as the use of alternative energy and contemplation of green spaces in each of they. Regarding the project financed by the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat of the Nation, through the Own House Program, Construir Futuro, contemplates a first call for the construction of 100 houses and a second tender for the construction of the remaining 200 housing units. , which complete the entire project. Meanwhile, the design of the housing units to be built will have a kitchen-dining room, a full bathroom and two bedrooms. These are houses with gabled roofs and solar heating. In turn, the plans provide for the expansion with the construction of a garage and a new bedroom. Thus, tender No. 6/2022 received proposals from Cooperativa La Recta Limitada and Arias-Pérez Construcciones SAS With an official budget of 624,891,092.28 pesos, the first firm budgeted for the construction of lot 1 and 2. While the second economic offer was directed to lots 3 and 4. It should be noted that the tender was operationally divided into four lots of 25 houses each. On the other hand, tender No. 7/2022, also divided into four lots that concentrate 200 homes, has an official budget of 1,249,782,184.56 pesos and received five bidders for the award of the work. In this sense, the firm Arias – Pérez Construcciones SAS; the company Construvima SRL; the construction company Roma Servicios Integrales SRL; and the La Recta Limitada Work Cooperative presented their budgets. After verifying the correct presentation of all the pertinent documentation, the Evaluation Commission will meet next Monday, August 22 at 10 am, at the IMV headquarters, in order to define who will be the winning firms. The chief of staff, Héctor Muñoz, also took part in the opening of envelopes; the Secretary of Environment, Works and Public Services, Omar Regueira, and the person in charge of the IMV, Silvia Cuello. In addition, the municipal legal adviser, Santiago Tovo, the member of the Court of Accounts, Fernanda Bertea, together with Councilor Carlos Primo, representing the minority block of the Deliberative Council, were present.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 24 Aug 2022

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