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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 36408

Procurement News Notice

PNN 36408
Work Detail The three participating companies presented proposals to renew the system. 4G technology will be incorporated to communicate and synchronize traffic lights and 400 new devices will be purchased. It will be the most important investment in the last 25 years, with a budget of more than $1,690 million. The Municipality of Córdoba opened this Friday the envelopes of the economic offers corresponding to the tender for the modernization works of the Centralized Traffic Light Network of the city. The plan prepared by the administration of Mayor Martín Llaryora consists of the installation of 452 new controllers with 4G technology at traffic lights in the micro and macro center, replacing the current system that uses the old connection of copper cables and GPRS connection. The opening of envelopes yielded the following financial proposals: Mantelectric ICISA ($1,810,578,429.00), Autotrol SA (1,788,184,399.00) and Kapsch Trafficcom Transportation Argentina SA (1,728,571,413.12) In the next few days, the economic and financial background of the bidders will be analyzed, and then the winning company will be announced. It should be remembered that the first stage consisted of the reception and corresponding analysis of the technical proposals of each firm. The incorporation of the new technology will make the communication of the devices with the Traffic Light and Control Center cease to be analog and become 100% digital, which will result in a substantial improvement in the synchronization and maintenance of the devices. In turn, the replacement of traffic lights in the downtown area will benefit another 455 traffic light intersections located in the neighborhoods, since the operable elements of the central area will be used to improve the rest of the system. In addition, the tender includes the placement of 400 new traffic lights in the central area: 150 in Solo Bus lanes, 150 in cycle paths and 100 with acoustic signals for people with visual disabilities. The Secretary of Government, Miguel Siciliano, explained that the investment will make it possible to change the entire traffic light network in the central area “so that Córdoba has one of the networks with the best technology in the country, with a micro and macro center with intelligent and coordinated traffic lights to be able to direct traffic, speed up or slow down circulation, as happens in all the best cities in the world”. The Undersecretary of Urban Connectivity and Road Safety, Justo Casado, added that since Rubén Martís management to date, no mayor had made the decision to invest such an important figure to renew the new traffic light network.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 24 Aug 2022

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