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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 36280

Procurement News Notice

PNN 36280
Work Detail Finally, Río Negro is on track to start federal neighborhoods The bidding process for 473 homes -between Cipolletti and Viedma- had offers, encouraged by the inclusion of infrastructure. His executions are estimated from September. A good omen for Río Negro to finally be able to start the Casa Propia federal plan, since the new tenders to build houses had offers adjusted to national values. They contributed to this liberation that the Nation accepted modifications in the buildings and promised another form of payment but, essentially, for the inclusion in the tender of the infrastructure works, with financing and quotation by the IPPV. Specifically, the Province received this Friday proposals to execute 473 units between Cipolletti and Viedma, with values ??appropriate to national prices, which was the impediment of the rejection of the initial offers or, directly, lack of business interest. After the deadline for submission, the Province opened 16 tenders for Choele Choel (40), Viedma (195) and Cipolletti (350). Three did not have offers, they were deserted and the IPPV already foresees a second call. It is about 112 units: the 40 choelenses, a plan of 10 of the Capital and 62 of the Valletana city. READ ALSO Nation endorses changes, and the IPPV will again tender housing plans for Río Negro Specifically, the offers were concentrated in 473 units: 288 in Cipolletti, in ten tenders, and 185 in Viedma, in three calls. Each call had a single offer, except for a Cipoleño neighborhood for 14 houses where two companies certified. Seven bidding companies and, for the most part, were quite adjusted to the budget limit set by the Nation, which reaches 8.22 million. Some surpassed it slightly, even one -Zigma- quoted below, with 7.9 million. On the other hand, another firm – Zoppi, in its two tenders – presents an important difference by offering 9.33 million per unit. The payment of an advance - 20% of the amount - was a central modification by Nación to encourage the participation of construction companies. Meanwhile, the Province included in the same tender the execution of neighborhood infrastructure -such as electricity networks, gas, sewers and gutter cordon- with financing and budget from the IPPV. Thus, the construction of houses and complementary works is unified in a business unit for companies. Its characteristics will remain to be specified but, in principle, the particularity is noted that the contributions for infrastructure exceed, in some cases, 50% of the value of the houses and reach up to 74%. A short execution period is expected, since the neighborhoods must be completed one year after the signing of the contracts. At the opening of the tenders, held in Cipolletti, the businessmen took advantage of the presence of the Undersecretary of Territorial Management of the Nation, María Higonet, to delve into the times of the signatures and the transfers of the advances. During August, the IPPV and the Nation intend to conclude with internal procedures, signing of contracts and transfers, projecting with the beginning of the executions as of September. Business anxiety is explained by the volatility of the market and costs while officials are in a hurry to finally begin the execution of federal neighborhoods, after years suspended in Río Negro. The first stop of these housing operations originated in the management of Mauricio Macri -except for an agreement with the Province to conclude the Dignified Roof plans- and, later, in January 2021, the Minister of Territorial Development, Jorge Ferraresi and the Governor Arabela Carreras signed an agreement to build 1,326 houses in Río Negro. A year and a half later, none is running and the expectation is now set to start a third of them. The neighborhoods with offers from the Cipolletti construction companies – 22 homes. A company: Zigma. Offer: $181,535,334 for the units and $104,833,783 for infrastructure. Cipolletti- 25 dwellings. A company: Sylpa. Offer: $206,902,214 for the units and $83,223,981 for infrastructure. Cipollett i- 46 dwellings. A company: Mocciola. Offer: $380,513,155 for the units and 157,685,873 for infrastructure. Cipolletti-18 dwellings. A company: Sylpa. Offer: $148,970,026 for units and $62,688,424 for infrastructure. Cipolletti- 12 dwellings. A company: Nelli and Fenizi. Offer: Offer: $98,081,751 for units and $44,731,181 for infrastructure. Cipolletti – 35 homes. A company: Zoppi. Offer: $326,845,253 for units and $61,103,335 for infrastructure. Cipolletti – 28 homes. A company: Zigma. Offer: $223,341,808 for units and $90,635,692 for infrastructure. Cipolletti – 36 homes. A company: ECA. Offer: $298,443,571 for units and $88,915,000 for infrastructure. Cipolletti – 52 dwellings. A company: ECA Offer: $431,085,158 for units and $159,700,000 for infrastructure. Cipolletti – 14 dwellings. Two firms: INGCO, its offer: $115,830,668 for units and $86,689,269 for infrastructure; and ZOPPI, with $130,738,101 for houses and $42,420,392 for additional ones. Viedma- 35 UOCRA homes. A company: Sylpa. Offer: $289,643,834 for units and $156,478,462 for infrastructure. Viedma- 100 homes. A company: Sylpa. Offer: $827,625,505 for units and $286,479,486 for infrastructure. Viedma – 50 dwellings. A company: Sylpa. Offer: $413,797,004 for units and $105,107,048 for infrastructure. New bidding round for Friday the 5th Another bidding round will take place next Friday the 5th with the opening of proposals for the neighborhoods of Regina, Roca and San Antonio. They add 184 units. Thus, the IPPV will comply with this round of 769 homes (among those cities plus Viedma, Cipolletti and Choele Choel), which have the no technical objection of the Nation. They are part of the quota of 1,326 units announced in January 2021. In principle, a tender for 40 Roca houses would not have proposals, since there was no sale of specifications. Thus, for that city only envelopes will be opened for 65 houses while in Regina they will be 35 and 44 in San Antonio. The head of the IPPV, Inés Pérez Raventos, affirmed that a second call will be made immediately with the deserted tenders, that is, the three on Friday -40 from Choele Choel, 62 from Cipolletti and 10 from Viedma- and, surely, the 40 from Roquenses.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 12 Aug 2022

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