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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 36169

Procurement News Notice

PNN 36169
Work Detail The start of the work for the city was signed. Together with the municipal president, he signed the expansion of the water treatment plant and the new aqueduct for the provincial capital with an investment of 1,191,400,160.88 pesos They will expand the water treatment plant and a new aqueduct in the capital The governor of Chubut, Mariano Arcioni, led this Tuesday the signing of the start of work to execute the first stage of the expansion of the water treatment plant and the new Rawson aqueduct for an amount of investment of $1,191,400,160.88. The agreement, which was held this morning in the Multiple Use Hall of the Provincial Road Administration, was also signed by the local mayor, Damián Biss; and the Minister of Infrastructure, Energy and Planning, Gustavo Aguilera. Arcioni: We are going to continue accompanying Rawson so that he positions himself as the capital that all Chubutans deserve. The ceremony was also attended by the Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Sandilo; the president of the Rawson Cooperative, Alejandro Yáñez; the head of the Provincial Road Administration, Cynthia Gélvez; the head of the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Production and Tourism of Rawson, Néstor Andrés Feü, the representative of the successful joint venture Villegas Construcciones SRL – Garbin SA, Juan Carlos Villegas; the representative of the Business Federation of Chubut, Carlos Lorenzo, provincial undersecretaries and special guests. After signing the contract, the provincial president assured that “what Rawson, the capital of the Province, has to mean for us has already been manifested and thus we began to work with all the difficulties that are already known. This fills one with pride and satisfaction, and I use it as an example because we have been working together and with very clear objectives despite being from different political parties. We are going to continue accompanying Rawson so that he positions himself as the capital that all Chubutans deserve.” “This is a long-awaited work for everyone and that before many politicians did not want to do it because they could not finish it to inaugurate it, and that is how they have been left aside. Unfortunately, Rawson was hostage to personalism and political selfishness, he did not grow as he should have, and I am also convinced that these works are going to transform the city”, stated Arcioni. Likewise, the provincial president explained that “we are here to work for the neighbors, that is why I always use this bond without selfishness, without personalism, as an example. In this way, in Rawson we have already completed 200 homes, work is already under way in Area 12 with the gas work, also what has been done in the Santa Teresita hospital, the work of the Meeting Center that will restart in 30 days, and in 6 months we will have it finished”. Continuing, Arcioni reviewed “the new bus terminal that is missing very little documentation, the square, the dredging that has already begun, the municipal gymnasium that is about to call for bids, are all works that make the capital that we all want. And we are doing it in a very difficult context, that is why I highlight and give as an example the link with Mayor Biss, because we have our clear objective of working together and side by side, because everything is much easier. If this were the case with the rest of the municipalities, I could say that the Province would be another, without personalities”. For his part, the mayor of Rawson, Damián Biss thanked the provincial government for his support and assured that “it is a historic day for the city of Rawson. The current plant was inaugurated in 1988 and was a work that was projected with a useful life of 25 years. Four municipal and four provincial administrations passed and every year we had supply problems, but today it is a reality”. Biss assured that there is a great joint effort, we are very happy as Rawsons neighbors and we know that when all the actors involved pull for the same side and we have very clear objectives, the projects come to fruition and this is the proof of That is why we thank the Governor for his commitment to the city”. “When we took office in 2019, the Governor asked me what Rawson needed and without hesitation I told him that the most important work was the expansion of the water treatment plant because you cannot think about the growth and development of the city if you do not have one of the vital services that is drinking water, and there he told me that we were going to manage it”, valued the Mayor of Rawson. Continuing, he stressed that every time we talked we always set this expansion as an objective and today we reach the final stage, which is the signing of the contract where the company will begin the work so that the city has this much-needed thing as soon as possible. word compliance Meanwhile, the president of the Rawson Public Services Cooperative, Alejandro Yánez, said that “it is a historic day for the city, for the citizens of Rawson. For us it is a work pursued and worked for so many years. I want to highlight the great work of the Sanitary Services staff who headed the technical and executive project. After so many years we see the light, the reward for so much effort”. “Thank the Governor who fulfilled his pledged word. Recently in the courtyard of our beloved Santa Teresita hospital, he said that he was going to give Rawson the works he deserved because he deserves to be the capital that we all want. This is a big step, we highlight the management of Damián who put this important work for the city on his shoulder. Public services are quality of life for citizens”, said the head of the Cooperative.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 30 Jul 2022

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